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27-11-13, 20:59
I have been suffering for around 21 months now with what I can only pressume is anxiety.
My hassle all began with getting a sharp stabbing pain in my chest whilst at work which I reported to a manager. This began a chain of events which I had'nt forseen. A paramedic was called and he insisted on an ECG for me , I was'nt worried as far as I was concerned there was nothing to be concerned about and up till then I had never been one to worry about my health. There was something on the ESG that he was'nt 100% happy with so I was next put in an Ambulance and taken to the local A&E.
"Until we prove otherwise we are going to treat you as though you have a heart attack" I was told. A spray under the tounge and an injection into the stomach were followed by an X ray and being placed on an obs ward for 10 hours. I think this is were my anxiety monster was born with a what if ?:scared15:
I was allowed to leave having been told no heart attack BUT we want you back to have a walk on our treadmill. Your GP will book this for you but until then take these beta-blockers and asprins every day :huh:
I did as I was told starting to wonder if the was more to this than I first thought.
A couple of weeks later I find myself on a treadmill which to be fair did start as a walk for about a minute, however by 18 minutes it was very nearly an uphill run :ohmy:
The result...............inconclusive:unsure: I was 48 at the time and no athelet and to my mind I had failed :unsure:
You need to come back for a nuclear stress test.Keep taking the beta-blockers and asprin and we will contact you.
By now the beta-blockers are making me feel pretty unwell. A month or so later nuclear stress tests take place. We will contact your GP with results.
Three months later the results finally arrive at the GP but unfortunately there is no doctor available to explain them to me:wacko: So I get the results written by a Cardiac Consultant read to me by a receptionist.
The explanation was there is some blockage but nothing that needs further treatment.
I wonder why my previously healthy blood pressure has now gone to 182/110 and put me on ramipril:unsure:
So simple lack of communication has made things much worse for me.
Thanks for letting me vent and the reason I signed up it that brilliant article written by Margret Hawkins on this site. It has really helped me Thanks.:flowers:

27-11-13, 21:23
Hi Barrie :welcome: I would ask your GP to explain everything to you. My husband takes Ramipril, he has had 2 heart attacks in the past but is fine now on his medication.