View Full Version : Am I doing the right thing by staying away?

27-11-13, 22:42
I have posted on here quite excessively at time :weep: regarding my on going hodgkins fears! Its been 21 months since I first started to freak out about symptoms.

Now i know that is a really long time, My last doctor visit which involved blood tests was a year ago to date. I am doing my best to stay away from the doctor and talk down my symptoms to being anxiety related.

I am quite proud that i have managed not to visit for a whole year but it has got me panicking that if I did have a terrible disease I have left it far too late now and perhaps should have continued to pester my gp!

Can Anyone offer any advice?

Thank you :) Hope everyone is good


27-11-13, 22:45
People without health anxiety don't visit the doctors unless they have good reason to. If you KNOW your symptoms are anxiety then you don't need to go, but if something is different / worse then maybe you should get checked.

27-11-13, 23:26
Hi Lizzie,

Using logic here...

If you had a deadly disease and it's been a year since you saw your GP, you'd be a pretty sick puppy by now don't you think? ;)

Positive thoughts

28-11-13, 08:58
Yes of course. All I meant was that there may be new symptoms which have appeared recently and while often things relate to anxiety, thwy don't always. I wouldn't want to say "don't go, it's anxiety" in case it's not.

Hope I've understood your point correctly.

28-11-13, 15:58
Yes of course. All I meant was that there may be new symptoms which have appeared recently and while often things relate to anxiety, thwy don't always. I wouldn't want to say "don't go, it's anxiety" in case it's not.

Hope I've understood your point correctly.

The point being, you stayed away and you're still here. There are no new things popping up as you stated there "may be" symptoms so why worry?

That being said, a once a year wellness exam is normal procedure.

Positive thoughts

28-11-13, 22:50
I think you've misunderstood - I didn't create the post, Gemma did. My post was in reply to hers.

28-11-13, 23:24
Wrong name... I see that now... Substitute Gemma for Lizzie ... there ya go :)

Positive thoughts

28-11-13, 23:35
you would be dead by now i had hodgkins remember? try to get therapy and med it will change your life you deserve it

29-11-13, 08:32
The point being, you stayed away and you're still here. There are no new things popping up as you stated there "may be" symptoms so why worry?

That being said, a once a year wellness exam is normal procedure.

Positive thoughts

Not in the UK it isn't you just go to your GP when you feel unwell, not for a wellness check. I have always thought it was a reasonable idea though.

29-11-13, 12:21
Not in the UK it isn't you just go to your GP when you feel unwell, not for a wellness check. I have always thought it was a reasonable idea though.

Interesting.... Here in the US, those that are somewhat diligent and healthy go for a check up once a year which means a full work up including a chest x ray. With my health issues, I see my GP every 6 months along with blood work. Since cancer, I see my "team" every three months for the 1st two years, then every 6 months until 5 years before they cut me loose.

Positive thoughts

29-11-13, 13:48
Hi if you are worried please go to the GP.

Like people have said you will be either very sick or dead if it was something serious.