View Full Version : food for thought ?

09-11-06, 12:20
Hi everyone, I sometimes feel i may have intollerances to foods and am awaiting a private test to find out (hopefully tommorow).

They tell me it can cause panic in people, is it true ?

how many of you have food allergies or intollerances or suspect they may have ?

Do you get any of the following symptoms;

eczema/dry skin.
loose motions or constipation.


09-11-06, 13:43
All the above..lol..i had testing and am defo sensitive to certain foods.Sadly havent found one that triggers panic[toomuch booze does the next day tho!!].Hope it helps you,it helped loads with my ibs etc.love mary rose.xxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

09-11-06, 16:46
Hi Mirry

I certainly feel better when I eat better. Since cutting out sugar & caffeine almost totally my IBS and anxiety have been better. I also find that bread and fatty food will set me off. Then I feel anxious when my stomach is bad. My stomach gets bad when I'm anxious anyway, so I need to avoid things which make it worse! [8D]


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09-11-06, 18:35
Hi Mirry,

I drink coffee now that is decaffinated, i have felt much better since, when i stopped drinking the normal coffee, i had headache for a week when i stopped! i was told it was withdrawl from caffine, its strange how drinks and foods affect us, its like the olding saying goes " You are what you eat!":D



09-11-06, 19:25

I am currently on a low fibre diet as I am always bloated and I thought it was IBS as was constantly on the loo !

It is a pain in some ways as I can only have one piece of fruit and a small portion of veg a day (I have a list of ones I am allowed). I find it hard to eat healthy snacks when I can't have fruit!

It has helped a lot with the bloatedness though and the loo trips are a bit less frequent lol.

I am allowed to eat white bread but find it bloats me too much so I have given up all bread for now - boy do I miss it!!! Ham sandwhich - ohhh I want one!!!


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People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

09-11-06, 19:54
caffeine definately makes me more jittery. Been advised me to give it up but this might sound really crazy, but I feel it is one of my very few pleasures just now! I hardly drink (booze!), don't go out socialising, scared to shop, can't read or watch tv due to lack of concentration....to give up my cups of tea is just too much!
However, I have cut it down and I never did drink caffeine beyond 6pm anyway.
Chocolate also contributes to my jitters but cocoa has caffeine in it I think. Found giving that up easier than my tea! LOL

09-11-06, 20:27
its funny , i used to get a bloated tummy years ago and I put it down to stress cos when it stopped my panic attacks started.

its like the anxiety will get you one way or another ?
