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View Full Version : feeling really irritable worried and anxious

worried 101
28-11-13, 08:43
Hey guys.
Havent written on this in a while...recently i have had a terrible time with depression and anxiety,ended up being seen by the home treatment team and they changed my meds to venlaflaxinr which seemed to raise my mood alot.i live with my partner and hos two children come over to visit alot.the last weekend i suddenly felt very irratble towards them,no idea why,just they were being v loud and messing about a bit or sometimes having tantrums(normal kid stuff i guess)but it just real ly got to me and then i felt really guiltyand straight away the anxiety began...(previously i have had times where i have felt incredibly anxious about the children,such as wether i can handle them etc which i know i can but its a real issue at times.)the next time i saw them because i felt anxious i felt irritable ..then i feel it spiralling into other worries that i have that sent me into a really bad way.just wondering if anyone had experineced anything similar?!worried as terrified im goibg down the same path.trying so hard to ignore the anxirty but wheb its there constantly its hard to ignore.