View Full Version : Feeling awful and ill from HA, please...

28-11-13, 11:08
I don't know what is wrong with me, but for the past 3 days I have just been feeling dreadful.

I've been almost constantly anxious for the past 3 weeks or so. I feel like I've come down with some kind of flu. My body aches all over. I've been waking up in the middle of the night, been having unpleasant dreams. I feel absolutely awful upon waking up where everything just hurts and I am still tired.

I've been having nose bleeds. I can often see my pulse in my left eye (like a flashing sensation). I feel sensitive to cold, yet at times have hot flashes and have to remove layers of clothing. I keep checking my forehead for a temperature.

I have very little energy, my body is stiff and sensitive to pain.
It hurts when I swallow, yet I have no sneezing/mucus and my tonsils don't look swollen. Is it possible to hurt your throat through compulsive swallowing? I can't stop checking my glands. They don't feel swollen, so maybe I don't have an illness? I keep checking them to make sure.

I keep coming over all depersonalized and dizzy. I have also been having hours where I feel very depressed and hopeless.

Somebody please talk to me. Is it possible for pure health anxiety to make you feel so ill and dreadful? I'm scared I have a flu, or glandular fever, or maybe some kind of chronic fatigue. I am a university student and I have an assignment due in next week and I don't feel like I will get it done in time what with feeling so ill, so I just know I am going to fail :(

28-11-13, 11:29
You are not going to fail. Just get on with your assignment now. It will provide the necessary distraction you need to take the focus off your symptoms and onto your work. WHen you do finish it the sense of satisfaction will be great and you will be one step closer to curing your HA.

28-11-13, 11:35
I can only do a very small percentage of it at home, that's the problem. It's part of my media module and I need to go in and use the Apple Macs at my London university, almost 2 hours travel time away. I honestly don't feel up to going all that way, especially now I am worried I really have a flu and need to rest and stay warm.

I can do a little bit of designing and try and ask for extension from my teacher. Thank you for your post.

28-11-13, 11:36
You've just described most of the symptoms of an anxiety disorder. Have you seen a doctor? If not I suggest you do. It may help to print out your post or take notes of how you feel / felt and show it to him or her.

No you can't hurt your throat through compulsive swallowing. Do you swallow a lot because you feel nauseous? Another sign of an anxiety disorder.

Sit in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes and breath in through your nose. Hold it for 4 seconds and then slowly exhale. Do this five times slowly. Concentrate on your breathing and nothing else. Now open your eyes. Betcha feel better!:smile:

28-11-13, 11:42
I think I swallow a lot because I feel a lot of saliva gathering in the back of my throat. I also cough/gag a lot when eating because food slips to the back of my throat before I have finished chewing it, so to save me choking I cough it back up. This is a very bad habit I have gotten into over the past few weeks and it's driving my family crazy.

I would see a doctor, but I will have to wait now until Monday. My assignment is due next Thursday. I'm supposed to be going out this weekend to celebrate my anniversary. feel completely overwhelmed.

28-11-13, 11:42
Could you be feeling anxious due to your uni assignment? That's so common you wouldn't believe it! I've been there too. Sorry. I didn't notice the last bit of your post.

28-11-13, 11:45
Very possible. I was looking at the assignment list during class and I started to feel completely overwhelmed and sick. This is the second time I have taken this module due to failing it last year because of my anxiety and apparently poor health, so this is the very last chance I have

28-11-13, 11:50
Bingo! Calm down and relax. Remember the breathing exercises in one of my replies to you. I'm sure you won't fail. But ask yourself in all honesty... What is the absolute worst thing that could happen if you failed? Your still very young and have lots of chances ahead of you.

28-11-13, 11:52
Thank you. To be honest, if I fail this assignment I fail university altogether, would have hugely dissapoint my family and wasted a lot of money, and above all it puts a big stain on my resume which will affect my entire career.

28-11-13, 12:15
Then get on with that assignment. If nothing else it will take your mind off your anxiety. Also you have done this module before so you already have a head start! If you have the energy to post here why not put that energy into you assignment? :)

---------- Post added at 22:15 ---------- Previous post was at 21:58 ----------

Oh and remember... You don't have to top the class, just pass. Thats all you need! :D

28-11-13, 12:47
I've just emailed my tutor asking for an extension due to special circumstances. I can draw up some plans for today and go in Monday when I am feeling better. I'm still very concerned I have picked up a virus though...I must stop thinking like this, but I'm just scared of making myself worse if I leave the house...

Thank you, I will just concentrate on getting enough done.

28-11-13, 13:18
You don't have a virus. Leaving the house is the best thing you can do! I don't know what the weather is like in the UK at the moment. But even if it's cold and crappy the fresh air will make you feel better. My Psychologist once told me that being outdoors is like a magical cure. It takes your mind off your worries and it's good for your body too.:yesyes:

I'm absolutely sure you'll feel better once you finish your assignment. And don't forget what I said. You've done this all before, so you have a good head start!

---------- Post added at 23:18 ---------- Previous post was at 23:11 ----------

PS. Viruses last from 1 to 4 days before your body fights them off. That's why I know you don't have one.:smile:

28-11-13, 13:25
I started to feel off on Monday. I got the sore throat first, and was very sensitive to the cold when I left the house. Thank you for being so encouraging, but I really think I need to see a doctor. I definitely have a temperature (my family confirm) and this is exactly how I feel when I catch something. I'm sure I have anxiety as well, but I think this really is something else. Obviously, only a doctor can really tell me what is wrong so I need to go see one as soon as possible.

28-11-13, 13:43
Do what you think is best. In the long run it's up to you and you only. Personally I'd just get on with it. My Uncle was in the Navy during WWII. He's passed away now of course. But he had a tattoo on his upper right arm that said "Get The Bloody Job Done" He too suffered anxiety and I think he used to look at that tatt when times got bad. Please don't get a tattoo!!! I'm just making a point. The human body is a remarkably tough bit of kit.

Please feel free to send me a personal message if you need to. It's almost midnight here in OZ, and time for this old fella to get some sleep.:smile:

28-11-13, 14:44
There are lots of viruses around at the minute, just nasty colds and stuff. It's the season for it, and some of them are definitely the 'lingering' sort (russdownunder - that 1-4 days thing isn't *always* the case!). But they're not going to kill you, just make you feel a bit rubbish. They're nothing to worry about.

28-11-13, 15:55
I am very scared, I have a fever and keep getting hot flushes and breaking out in a sweat with my heart racing. I keep coming over dizzy and have to lay down. I'm so terrified of fainting.

I'm trying to take some ibuprofen by I have a phobia of swalloing pills so it isn't going well.

28-11-13, 16:42
Relax. Try to keep in mind your brain is doing the flip flops not your body. You sounded fine a while ago? If you do have a fever, that's just your bodies natural defenses kicking in to action to kill off any virus you may have. And remember, I don't think you have a virus. The fever starts at the beginning of the virus not the end. You said you started feeling a bit of on Monday. Today is Thursday. That's 4 days. Your hot flushes and dizziness is due to anxiety. Your terribly worried about your health and your uni assignment. Do you remember those breathing exercises I told you about? Do them now!

---------- Post added at 02:18 ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 ----------

Sit in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes and breath in through your nose. Hold it for 4 seconds and then slowly exhale. Do this five times slowly. Concentrate on your breathing and nothing else. Now open your eyes.

---------- Post added at 02:26 ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 ----------

Did emlica (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=54692)'s post upset you? I'm quite sure it wasn't intended to do that. Your just so worried about your health, you took it the wrong way.

---------- Post added at 02:40 ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 ----------

If you have any honey or sugar in the house crush the pills up and mix it with the honey or sugar. Then just put it on a table spoon and swallow it. A spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down.:D

---------- Post added at 02:42 ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 ----------

Your not going to faint! Splash some cool watter over your face and head. It helps a lot when you feel this way.

28-11-13, 16:59
Thank you, Russ. You are a wonderfully patient person. No, Emilica didn't upset me or set me off.

I am feeling calmer now. Is it really okay to crush ibuprofen tablets? I've heard not to do it. I'll try using honey or maybe yoghurt, although I have already wasted 3 pills unsuccessfully trying to swallow them :blush: But if you are sure it is okay then I'll give it a go.

28-11-13, 17:18
It's absolutly fine to crush ibuprofen and mix it it with honey or sugar. But if you feel calmer now why bother? The less pills you take the better. I think your very anxious and that's what's making you feel so bad.

I gotta get to bed mate. It's 3.25am here and if I don't get some sleep I'll fall off my computer chair. Then I'll be in the poop.:)

From the sounds of it you were close to a panic attack. Don't worry. I've been there too and it really feels like your going to faint or die! But the good news is you can't die from one.:yesyes:

Don't forget to send me a personal message if you need too OK?
