View Full Version : going from 10mg to 20mg?

28-11-13, 11:35
Hi All

Long time anxiety sufferer here. My last major bout of panic and anxiety was almost 5 years ago during a period of not being on SSRI's. I then started taking Citalopram 10mg and felt much better (after 6-8 weeks).

I'm still on the 10mg but am having a new wave of panic and anxiety and there is a huge amount of stress in my life.

EDIT: I just realised that I have been on 20mg for the past few years so I would be going up to 30 or 40mg...

Some questions for you all:

1. Do you think I would benefit from going from 10mg to 20mg?
2. How long does it take to help? Is it like starting from scratch?
3. I don't think I had side effects when I started on the 10mg, does that mean I should be ok going to 20mg?

Thanks all. It's been a long time since I posted here but I'm glad this amazing site is still around.


28-11-13, 12:09
Hi there!

From what I've read around the internet 20mg is something I've seen described as the minimum therapeutic dose so it'd be definitely something worth discussing with your Doctor. I've been on 20mg since I started Cit 3.5 weeks ago.

As for the side effects I've had a number: poor appetite, increased anxiety and early waking feeling dreadful to name the worst. I didn't help myself by managing to take 40mg last Sunday either. But then I went straight on at 20mg...

Nice to know about 6 -8 weeks though. I thought they just were not working for me and it had crossed my mind giving up on them.

I think some people here have more experience than me on upping the dose and the side effects though!

29-11-13, 14:41
With every increase in dose there is an increase in side effects so think carefully. I started on 20MG and went to 30MG for a period, but it caused my sleep to become very poor . I found myself exhausted in the evenings and then wide awake very early in the mornings. It was very diffcult. It helped with the anxiety but i was relieved to go back down to 20MG where i have stayed since. I still notice some side effects, I tire more easily for instance and my sex drive has dropped , however i sleep very well and i'm anxiety free which is wonderful. An increase isn't always the answer. You 've manged on 20MG fora long time so maybe you need to develop other coping techniques like i did. If you do increase it can take a month or so for things to settle. It wouldn't be like starting from scratch .

29-11-13, 14:52
That sounds like some sound advice!

Deliby99 - how long did you find before the anxiety subsided on the cit? I'm going mad wondering whether it ever will.

02-12-13, 10:00
It was very gradual. I'd say it was at least two months before i noticed a significant difference and then maybe 3 months before i felt anxiety free. unfortunately there is no magic wand. When my anxiety was very bad i took the odd benzo, mostly i tried to keep busy and took exercise. In the evenings i 'd have a beer to relax. It really it a case of toughing it out . It does get easier . I promise.