View Full Version : Newbie need Advice

28-11-13, 13:45
Hello everybody I'm Kelsey 22 Years old and currently constantly worrying about my health I have 2 young children 3 year old boy and 6 month little girl who are my world! I have this great fear I will have a terminal illness that will kill me I keep getting these strange feelings in my head not like ache but more strange seems to affect my vision, I worry about moles on my body it's just one big vicious circle doctor has presribed me sertraline and I took my first one yesterday I was so scared to take them but no I need to to get better I feel like such a bad mother putting my children through this I just feel like death is out to get me and i am so scared right now I just want to feel normal again whatever normal is 😞

28-11-13, 14:11
Welcome to the forum, Kelsey. You will find a great deal of help on here. I know that I have.

28-11-13, 14:23
Welcome :) I'm exactly the same as you, scared to leave my daughter , think that death is round the corner etc then feel ridiculously guilty for putting my daughter through it all. I know how you feel, but it can get better, I promise.

I've come a million miles from where I first was thanks to the help I've got from this site. We're young, this should be the last thing.on.our minds! PM me anytime you want xx

28-11-13, 14:43
I think you outline perfectly many people's experience of HA including mine. Ultimately we all have to accept that rarely in life terrible things happen, people get diseases and people die. A key part of overcoming HA is learning to live with this phenomenally remote possibility. Equally people with HA start with an assumption that life is fragile. It isn't really in statistical terms and the great news is that you can significantly improve your chances of a long and independent life by eating well, exercising regularly and not smoking. A phenomenal percentage of 'avoidable' deaths can be attributed to these things.

Ultimately you have a choice and it is a big psychological battle to win but you need to decide whether you want to live your life however long it may be or whether you want to sit and worry about something that fundamentally you have no control over, but can do a whole host of things to influence.

28-11-13, 18:10
Thanks for replies people I just can't help but worry its horrible just pray things will get better xxx

28-11-13, 18:58
Don't pray, do something proactive to get better. If you read about people's successes on here then it really is the only way :)