View Full Version : daily thread ,THURSDAY 9TH NOVEMBER.

09-11-06, 12:48
how do you all feel about having a daily post on what we are all up to on that day ?

Today I have done the school run (and i nearly did run).
Then walked our little naughty dog, shes a 10 month old border terrier and has behavioural problems. I wish i could take her to doggy class but i couldnt face it [:I]
Then my friend called for me and we went to the toning tables, basically its £3 an hour for laying on beds that tone up all your loose bits.

Came home and eat some chocolate [}:)] now sitting here watching loose women. Tonight is parents evening HELP !!!


09-11-06, 13:15
Watching Bell Elton on Loose Women with chronic toothache.
Took son to school this morning and now enjoying a day filled up with absolutely......NOTHING :)
Later i will collect my son, help with homework, listen to him ready, get dinner......and then......NOTHING :)
What a day!!!!

09-11-06, 13:37
At least its sunny today, yesturday i felt so depressed with the cloudywet weather. I hate doing the house work, it seems to go on and on..if i was rich id have a cleaner lol.
I have beads all over my lounge floor because i am trying to make lots of jewellery for the xmas fates , i really could do with the money, we are trying to pay off the car loan in the new year[Yeah!]


09-11-06, 16:48
This morning i went to Asda, with 5 children you go to the supermarket most days. This afternoon we went looking at a caravan park, we're thinking of buying a caravan. Apparently most of the people live on this site, 10 months a year! At the moment its homework for some children, the 4 year old is playing Madagascar in his room on the x box, the 10 year old is in the lounge watching a dvd and the baby doesn't know which to do first! Roll on saturday when we get Sky tv! Love, Paul.

Love to all members

09-11-06, 17:20
went to the school meeting and we had two teachers sitting there,
i panicked straight away and felt like i couldnt breath but it passed, hate that feeling, its just like someones got their hand over my mouth and nose.:(
On top of all this just got told my grandad has been asked to visit a hospice , we thought hed survive years with prostate cancer but it doesnt sound good if they have asked him to do this, he must know more than we do.
oh well corry tonight......think charlie gets murdered soon but dont know when or who does it ?


09-11-06, 17:23
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"> This afternoon we went looking at a caravan park, we're thinking of buying a caravan. Apparently most of the people live on this site, 10 months a year! At the moment its homework for some children, the 4 year old is playing Madagascar in his room on the x box, the 10 year old is in the lounge watching a dvd and the baby doesn't know which to do first! Roll on saturday when we get Sky tv! </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

How do you afford all that on benefits Paul ?????

Think I am going wrong somewhere !!!!

Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

09-11-06, 17:38
Interesting to see where this goes but lets see.

Hiddy, I have a shower after loose women too but thats another story!![Oops!]

Apart from some general domestic engineering (guys don't do housework!!) I've spent too much time in here.

I am about to go out and challenge some of my social angst at the NEC and see Bruce Springsteen. We have got really good tickets so now actually starting to get interested...might reach excitement in th ecar park!! The replies to my other post in here have really helped me think more positively about this tonight....and the £55 tickets!!!

Cheers all


ps loose women thing was a joke....honest!!

Laissez les bon temp roulez

09-11-06, 17:46
hi all

today i took my dog to the vets nearly panicked but controlled it.. coz i needed her vaccination card for the kennels tomorrow [Sigh...].

tonight im packing my clothes etc.. as my partner taking me away to the hilton hotel tomorrow for a free night through his boss as he works for the hilton in glasogw (no guys not a dirty night away) lol..

im supposed to be going to the asda tonight to get messages so just sitting waiting on partner coming home from work then going.. 2 months ago i couldnt even look at asda but now i am addicted to going.. overspending my budget now. [:o)]

hope everyones had a good day

take care
love luce xxxx

09-11-06, 18:09
Hi folks,

Just finished work and loads of Vat [Ugh]well someone has too do it. That’s the boring stuff over, Off to cook my tea soon and hubby just phoned me he’s not coming home tonight he can’t finish the job he’s on today so he will have to stay put until tomorrow. Number one son is working tonight as well so I have the house to myself so Corrie for as well then bath and then I’m going to phone a few friends and catch up.

Have a lovely evening everyone

Mel xxx

The kindness we extend to others in their their hour of need will return to us at the time we most need it.

09-11-06, 19:04
what am i on about ? there is no corry tonight !!!

Its eastenders (think id run away from silly billy too).


09-11-06, 19:07
Oh Mirry I said it too Yes its Thursday lol :D:D So its Eastenders for us then:D:D:D

The kindness we extend to others in their their hour of need will return to us at the time we most need it.

09-11-06, 19:20
WELL, i cam home from my night at asda, dozed for an hour, then took my dali a walk for 11/2 hrs , had a coffee, went to bed till 4p.m. got up took my dali another walk , checked e.mails,had a dance about for abit with my daughter in her room listening to madonna, [jump] she 23 yrs old, not madonna my daughter. my gorious hubby came home from work at 6p.m. had tea, now repling to this, in a while go have a shower and get ready for next shift at asda, still 3 down 2 to go. do it all again tomoz except wo,nt see hubby tomoz he ,s flying off to a meeting and by the time he get,s back i would have gone to workwell that,s me. love to all .lorraine.

09-11-06, 20:13
melxxx, u can blame me lol, I really never know what day it is.

Phoned my grandad whos 81 next week, it was a emotional conversation, basically told him how much i love him and how much he means to me, we both cried.....hes really not well.

Strangly I feel alot better for it and Watching coast now and then the cat tate show, I love a coffee with a sugar this time at night.

Just hope i dont go to bed worrying about tomorrow.

RICKARDS, do you get lots of free food whilst at asda ?


09-11-06, 20:24

well mirry you had me going bonkers tonight thinking i had missed corrie cox im just back from asda and it was only eastenders that was on..

well well i did panic, but i still got everything i needed. wow.

my sons in bath now.. so im just gonna get ready for a early night.

Night night all
take care
luce xx

09-11-06, 20:28
Mirry so sorry too hear about your Grandad you will feel so much better for telling him you loved him and I am sure he will too. It must be a very hard time for you and your family.

Sending you a big (((((((((((((((((Mirry)))))))))))))))) try and keep that chin up girl if ever you need anyone for a shoulder or just a natter please PM me anytime.

Enjoy your coffee off for a bath now.

Love Mel xx

The kindness we extend to others in their their hour of need will return to us at the time we most need it.

09-11-06, 20:32
thanks melxxx, just read your post and felt emotional again !

must be premenstral.

night all


09-11-06, 21:03
HI,mirry, well not free food but 10% off everything. and a free christmas lunch ,that,s if you fancy eating turkey at 2.30. in the morning. HO HO HO.