View Full Version : dip stick wee test

28-11-13, 16:59

today at work i did a dip stick where you wee on the stick. It came back with the first line positive (LU) colour went faint purple. the rest was ok. The one testing for blood was positive aswell went faint green. The only thing i can think of is that i am due for a period tomorrow and had just started to have a show of brown blood. Would that of picked up on the sample.

Wish i had never done it did not have any symptoms of a water infection anyway. Really worried now. Has anybody else ever done one of these.



28-11-13, 17:12
Hi Lorraine,

I'm a bit confused...is this a general urine test strip you did out of the blue? Why are you doing one? Are you diabetic for example?

Yes, your period will affect the strip test reading for blood,but it is common for false positives to show on a test for blood. Happens a lot. The only sure fire diagnosis of haematuria comes from a lab urinalysis.

If you are not symtomatic with pain, burning, temp, etc, etc. I would really not worry about it.

I am not a doctor (was a nurse) so I am only offering an opinion based on doing a lot of urine dip tests!


28-11-13, 17:27

Yes it was just a routine dip stick test. I work in a care home so we have the dip stick tests there for the residents if they need one. I just saw them there and tested myself. DONT KNOW WHY just a complusion i had at the time!!! Weird i know.

I feel completely fine. Have none of the symptoms you have mentioned no.

Thankyou for your reply. I will not be doing anymore as it has set off my health anxiety!!!! Will not be doing anymore unless i have stinging, burning ect.

Thanks again


28-11-13, 18:33
Hi Lorraine,

Sorry for being so nosey....hope I didn't offend you.

I didn't want to give any dodgy/misleading reply if you happened to be diabetic, as that would be wrong of me.

I must admit I did the same on occasion when at work. That is great news that you have no symptoms, and of course if they do crop up, your GP can help you no probs with that.

All the best,
