View Full Version : legs/arms question

28-11-13, 21:54

Was hopin someone might tell me if this is anxiety or at least if theyve experienced this. I have read u can have stiff joints and muscles but this seems wierd.

So my first symptoms 4 years ago were crazy rapid heart rateas well as some wierd thins docs had never seen. Anyway...its been ages since ive had any major issues. Occassionally my heart will race a bit but always goes back to normal. Little tight throat here and there but again goew away.

Well i was feelin so good i decided to get back to workin out. Been a couple years snce i had. I walk regularly but thats it. So i did a pretty hefy workout. Alot of pushups and backwork and some squats and lunges. And while i didnt use alot of weight, i did do alot of sets until fatigue.

So..my quewtion...post workput i expected soreness...next day was tired but not sore. Day afyer that very sore and really fatigued. By third day i felt like a limp noodle and my heart was gettin racey again.

So now...two weeks later...my hearts been racin for about a week and a half. But it does slow at nighy. My real issue is my muscles or joints. My shoulders and arms still feel noodley and stiff. And my legs a lil as well. Sometimes feels like im uncoordinatee when i make a fist.

The strenghth is there but its a feeling like i just worked em out andbthey are weak and noodly and a lil slow responsive or something. Ive never had these symptos before and was fine before the workout. Is it possible a week and a half of rapid heqrt rate and anxiety could make my arms and back and legs feel like this?

Its a lil scarey and feels really uncomfy. Any advice to return em to normal fastwr?

28-11-13, 22:15
It can be some days before you experience soreness after exercise, especially when you haven't worked out for a while. This is entirely natural and not harmful but is the muscle recovering from exercise, its even called DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness - because its delayed before you feel it and can go on for some time. So it would sound like that. Your increased heart rate is likely anxiety from thinking the worst about the soreness but its something to talk to the doctor about if you haven't already just to be safe. doms should go away on its own soon, especially with a good diet and rest.

28-11-13, 23:13
Hey tim,
Thanks for the reply. Yes im familiar with the DOMS concept as i used to do alot of workin out before the initial anxiety craziness hit me years back.

Whats odd to me is that in all the times ive been sore before its never been quite like this. Theres a stiffness to movement and a weakness..or it feels that way besides just the soreness. And tberes an odd feeling in my knee, shoulder and elbow joints...sorta like sugar legs or somethin but in the joints.

Anyway...doesnt two weeks seems a long time to still be mucked up from a workou? I meqn i realize its been ages since i lifted and my parts are weak and i kniw anxiety and adrenaline can do stuff...but two weeks later just seems a long time.

Thanks again.

29-11-13, 11:34
Hi cucumber

Maybe it would be best to tell your doc about these symptoms if they are concerning you, you know just have a quick check over.

One thing I know for sure is that anxiety has the ability to keep coming up with new symptoms, always inventing something different. As soon as you've come to terms with worrying about one thing it can produce a another symptom and it will always trick you into thinking this time its serious, this time it's bad, but really its the anxiety all over again. My anxiety always does this inventing new weird symptoms which it's easy to fall for.

29-11-13, 18:11
I forgot to say, I did a lot of working out too until I started getting panic attacks and with my heart doing weird things I became scared of the gym and getting my heart rate up. So I know how it is. I've only just started getting over my fear of doing exercise but like you I can go in and the next day I feel nervous all over again, so its a battle. hopefully we can both just be able to accept anxiety more and enjoy weightlifting again without worry.