View Full Version : Diazepam Help Please

28-11-13, 23:24
Its my nans funeral tuesday, I have been prescribed 2mg Diazepam to help with my nerves on the day. I am a long term anxiety sufferer i am taking citalopram 20mg daily. I was wondering... Will i still be ok to take the citalopram in the morning? Will 2mg help calm my nerves quite a bit ?

29-11-13, 02:10
Yes you will be able to take the Citalopram.The 2mg of Diaz is a low dose but should take the edge off the anxiety.Try some the day before and see how effective it is.
Sorry about your Nan. I hope all goes well for you:hugs:

29-11-13, 02:44
Yep if you've been prescribed it then you can def take together, I know from experience you can def take those two together at those dosages so that's all cool

Diazepam will def calm you. I didn't like it because when I was on it, even a low does like that would knock me out so I used to always take it before bed time. Hope gives you some insight xx