View Full Version : Question re breathing

Sheik N Shimmy
09-11-06, 14:30
Hi Folks,

Just wondering if anybody else feels as if one lung is bigger than the other. When I breath in I feel as if my right lung fills up to capacity more quickly than my left one.

I guess this could be poor posture or stance. It doesn't seem as noticable after a brisk walk.

I did have a chest CT scan earlier this year and it was all clear. Sometimes my right lung feels as if there is a rash in it. I was treated for GERD earlier in the year and I'm wondering if I could have also developed asthma.

Regards & thanks,


PS - I've had a lingering cough/cold for a couple of weeks now and thismoring I woke up with some feathers stuck to my chest. It wouldn't be bird flu would it [:o)]

Keep On Keepin On

09-11-06, 15:25

Just as a matter of interest our lungs are different sizes. saw it yesterday on this morning with doctor chris steele. the left one is smaller to make room for the heart. something i never knew. does that mean we take in less air in the smaller one ?

09-11-06, 17:32

I think you answered your own question there, saying you feel better after a brisk walk... Tension is not always equal in both sides (don't ask me why), so maybe the muscles are tightening with anxiety. Walking briskly, with good posture, and breathing properly wil lhelp to ease the anxiety and relax some of your tension.

Also: Wow! Tracy I never knew that... Good old Chris Steele. Its amazing what you learn on this site!


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