View Full Version : Could do with some help

29-11-13, 01:54
Thought I had thrush tongue was white doc said no just coating
but then today had to scrape all goo off and got tongue ulcer but I can't argue with doctor can I???

also nausea went away for a day but now it's there everytime.I wake up, it's that bad I don't want to sleep in case I wake nauseous again.
earlier on felt sick as normal but then I felt worse than ever. real nausea hit me and I was really.close to being sick while just relaxing watching tv
you might wonder why.big deal if I am sick
well I've been feeling sick that long that if.I am actually vomiting that to me means the end
I've got a bag packed ready in case to just.go
know sounds pathetic but I'm.struggling real bad
I must be close to breakdown and I'm not being dramatic
when you open your eyes and you feel so sick it screws rest of day up

29-11-13, 02:49
Have you been to the docs? Nausea is a common symptom of anxiety. I've had the same this week!

29-11-13, 03:11
yes but it's gotten worse. nothing.doctor can do
red rash has appeared on my arm too
feel sick, am scared to death and can't stop shaking. don't know what to do. doctor won't see me again so soon
it's not normal to be crying like this

29-11-13, 06:10
Nck44 have you talked to your doctor about your anxiety problems rather than your worries?

29-11-13, 22:32
yes got nowhere
can't eat now feel sick when eating and afterwards feel like going to vomit
been in bed all day only place get peace

29-11-13, 22:37
What do you mean by "got nowhere"? Are you saying you told your doctor that you suffer from anxiety and need help and he fobbed you off?

29-11-13, 22:38
I agree with Fishmanpa here Nik, it would be good to know what your GP said - if you tried to talk to them about the anxiety and they didn't offer you any kind of help then it might be time to find a new doctor.

Kate 1956
30-11-13, 00:17
Don't suffer like this on your own. It sounds like anxiety. Everything I've read about this condition says that the stomach is the most sensitive area of our bodies as its so clued into our feelings. So if your scared your stomach will weep and you'll feel sick.
However. whatever the cause, I think you should ask to see another doctor in your surgery as a starting point to your recovery, in the main because you'll be reassured and this can kick start some positive reactions and a willingness to get involved in things that will help you heal.

30-11-13, 03:11
What do you mean by "got nowhere"? Are you saying you told your doctor that you suffer from anxiety and need help and he fobbed you off?

I got told to take a tablet to calm me down but hasn't worked so far ironically used for anxiety and nausea
doctor knows about anxiety to be fair he is understanding and am on anti depressants but am so worried
now I've got tongue ulcer and swollen gland above collarbone too now along with nausea and general malaise
it's.never.ending, it's all getting too much and nowhere to turn apart from handling it on my own which isn't working
I don't discuss with friends don't want to be accused of being melodramatic or an attention seeker. just want a quiet life but it's bloody hard feeling nauseous all the time

I cant sleep at night so sleep during the day . am petrified.I'm.going to vomit and end up in.hospital

are Samaritans the best to call, I need to speak to someone

26-08-14, 20:29
Okay o found my old account

The wasting has got worse but another Dr told me was okay
I still don't believe then
Plus the sickness is still there and also I have really bad stomach pain and loose stools.

Start CBT soon but am worried about these bad pains in stomach and wastimg
I can't imagine the pains?

08-10-14, 01:46
I'd love to say things have improved but they haven't
My nause a is so bad I've been put on Zofran. I feel ill so much even doing small things is too much so I'm asleep most of the time
My last fbc came back fine but I read tha the fbc can't pick up cancers

I'm on the waiting list for C BT but the way I'm going what's the point
I can't even eat or drink properly without feeling ill. Quality of life is awful