View Full Version : twitches anyone else ...?

29-11-13, 10:46
Hi I have posted pm on here before about this but I was looking for anyone else who might have or is having similar symptoms to me . ?
for the last 2 months I have had these twitches going off all around my body back of calves toes moving on their own twitching in the eye lid [ which didn't concern me ] a persisitant twitch in the sife of my palm which looks like its pulling the skin inwards and if I press it the skin kind of sucks in on itself and then twithes . its really freaking me out tbh and last night I had a bad one in my diaphragm which was not nice atall sometimes they are in my sclap even in my arse cheeks and ankles not all at the same time but certainly at night when resting and first thing in the morning ...
I know I suffer with some anxiety but im not sure id put all of this down to that and I was wondering if its something anyone can recognise or has been through a similar thing ...as I have not at times im scared about this and im wondering why its here and when it will go away every day I hope they have gone but every morning when I wake and I drink my tea in bed before starting the day there they are again . I am taking magnesium for them and drinking lots but its not shifting them
Anybody atall who has these please respond . I am worried its something sinister but I do feel in good heath [ even though im not the healthiest person I don't feel ill with it ] ....:unsure: Anyway thanks for reading