View Full Version : Health anxiety for a year... feeling hopeless..

29-11-13, 11:11
Hi All,

I have been a member in this forum a while and a lot of people have helped me through some bad times and I appreciate that. I was just wondering and hoping if anyone can relate to my story or offer some guidance as what to do now..

I think this will be a long post and thank you for having the patience to read this if you do..

I have recently been diagnosed with Mal De Debarquement Syndrome.
I am very sceptical about my diagnosis. It all started for me in September last year after a period of high stress at work. I started getting a numb and tingling head on the way back from work and didn't really think anything of it. Anyway I went on a number of business trips to Japan. The first 2 flights were fine, I usually suffer with a feeling of falling/off balance for about a day after flying but on my final flight back from Japan I landed and didn't feel right. I started suffering with panic attacks whilst in Japan due to stress and being far from home. Anyway once I landed in the UK I felt off balance and very dizzy, I ended up going to a Out of hours doctor who said I had anxiety. I then seeked a second opinion and he also diagnosed me with anxiety. I was in a bad way for about 3 months, rocking and dizzy every day, was off sick and ended up loosing 2 stone. I thought I had a Brain Tumour or MS. The only thing that alleviated my symptoms was being in a car! I ended up returning to the doctor and was referred to a ENT, he thinks referred me for an urgent MRI which came back clear other than an arachnoid cyst which is benign and is not the cause for my symptoms.

I then went on to have CBT which made me feel considerably better but still had dizziness every day. I really do fear the dizziness and it has ruined my life for the past year.

I also had an ECG, blood tests etc, everything kept coming back with abnormalities which fuelled the anxiety.. I have a short PR rate but apparently this is nothing to worry about as well as low B12 which is now back to a good level.

I ended up seeing another ENT who specialised in dizziness who gave me the diagnosis of Mal de Debarquement. This was following clear MRI's and balance testing, all results were normal.

I have recently started having VRT which isn't appearing to be helping. I do think I need to give it a chance.
This condition has made me suffer anxiety and panic attacks as I feel something bad will happen when I start getting dizzy.

To sum it up I feel ill everyday and its got to the point where I am giving up and I am really not sure what to do anymore. I live in fear of not feeling very well and I am getting married in April and really don't want this 'illness' to ruin anything like it has this year... I am not convinced of my diagnosis as my dizziness isn't always constant it comes and goes with severity.. Stress, supermarkets, crowds, eating out etc are all triggers to this dizziness and it really is ruining my life... I just don't know what to do..

29-11-13, 21:59
Do you know what, I've read some things which have opened my eyes today...
I've decided to get some space from this site, I've had some fantastic support but reading my post above and realising how nothing has actually happened to me I need to focus on getting better :)
I've sorted out yoga, and osteopath and CBT today so I think I'm on my way..

I want to say thank you as some people have just been fantastic in there support :)

Good luck :) xx

29-11-13, 22:08
A plan, a strategy and determination. I am no expert but sounds like you have what you need to get better. Good luck and know that people here have your back when you need it.

29-11-13, 22:44
Thank you :) I'm excited to get better... Your post helped open my eyes and also I was trying to offer someone support but they wouldn't listen and it made me realise what people have to deal with, with me!
Thanks again

29-11-13, 22:46
Best of luck fedup, I know you'll do awesome! Get in touch any time x

Mr Mannering
30-11-13, 11:57
I read your post and I could have written it.. for my own personal experience. I've had the MRI, still awaiting for results in fact. I've had the ECG,blood test ..etc... I have had two panic attacks so intense at the time the only way it wore off in my mind was because It was so bad I started to wish I would collapse and kill over. However to this very day My main anxiety trigger is dizziness, fuzziness, distorted vision, How can those symptoms be normal eh! However nothing has been found. Sometimes I feel very spaced out yet still functioning. Dizzyness is with me most of the time.. I hate it. I do suffer from tinnitus which causes me more grief than I should let it.