View Full Version : shakies

09-11-06, 15:07
ugh. I've been reading all of these posts and thinking "what am I complaining about? everyone here seems to have these horrible fears with real causes - a lump on the body, headaches that they're afraid are something serious, family issues, trauma, agoraphobia - and here I am with a pretty charmed life, what am i doing here? but what it comes down to is that i'm frightened. almost always. i read reddevils post about separation and it rang so true to me... it's probably pms (pmt) or somesuch making me feel all abandoned and frightened, but knowing that never makes it any easier, does it? so i guess i'm just having a moan... i should go get a massage.

Sue K with 5
09-11-06, 15:36
Hi Creatix

Charmed life has nothing to do with depression, you can be rich, poor, young,old and no matter what you may have in the material sense of the word, it does not set you aside from having anxiety and depression.

You can be hit at anytime with these issues and trust me there is no criteria. You could be a millionaire but no amount of money can mean you wont be hit with this or even cured.

Your not complaing your sharing thoughts and feelings and fears and as I said your not void of it just because you might have a more comfortable life than others

Keep sharing and dont ever think your is not as important as other stories because we all experience things in differant ways



09-11-06, 16:09
Thanks Sue.. (((hugs)))

09-11-06, 16:55
Hi creatrix

Sue is absolutely right. We don't choose to feel like this. Not giving yourself a hard time is difficult (something I need to remember myself).

I often find myself wondering why I just can't cope with my life when other people have worse things happening to them. But we are all made differently, and anxiety and depression can plague anyone, regardless of their life. I think maybe the guilt is just another one of the things we are given with the anxiety!


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

kate H
09-11-06, 16:58
Sue is absolutely spot on, it doesnt matter who you are or what your life is like. Nothing was going on in my life when the anxiety came along and smacked me in the back of the head.

It is just something that can sometimes appear for no apparant reason and can leave just as quickly as it came.

We all need to have a rant and let our feelings out every now and again, if your frightened then its up to us to eassure you and make sure your ok.


****You can never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them to fly in formation ****

09-11-06, 17:34
Thanks, Lisa & Kate. You're all right, of course. I think it's just part of the reaction... the urge to just tell yourself "get over it," and then getting peeved at yourself for not being able to. *sigh*

