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View Full Version : am I crazy? feelin down, too many questions.

29-11-13, 13:09
Im so fed up right now. I feel stupid, crazy, sad, tired, irritated, frustrated and I cant help it. I cant stop it. Almost 6 years of this HA and I just want peace an quiet and for my mind to just calm and shut off.
My friends and family are fed up and cannot reasure me any more, Ive not been to my gp for several months apart from when I had a ovarian cyst.
Ive made an appointment to see my gp on tuesday ( hes brilliant) and to go over everything.
Is there anyone here who has had anxiety for a very long period of time? Im talkin years? How does ut effect you physically? Do you have constant pains that dont go? Has it effected hormones?
Does anyone think there is a illness thats actually causing the anxiety? I think this some times and its a nasty vicious circle.
Thankyou for listening xxxx

29-11-13, 14:58
Pearl, I have had an anxiety and HA, along with panic attacks for many years. It is only when I firmly tell myself and believe that all symptoms are caused by anxiety, that I truly begin to make progress.
I have to make a plan and have a tool chest of coping mechanisms, and actually use them, and then my anxiety starts to abate.

I get out of my comfort zone and I take risks and then my comfort zone widens. I gain more confidence in myself.

You can get there too, Pearl. Anxiety can thurt you. It is your reactions to anxiety that are so rightful.

29-11-13, 15:29
I agree with everything Tanner has said :)

29-11-13, 16:01
Great post Tanner.

29-11-13, 19:12
Thanks for replying xx

29-11-13, 19:41
No worries, Pearl. You can do this. You just have to start believing and saying the heck with anxiety.

29-11-13, 20:08
Thanks Tanner xxx
I suppose like most HA sufferers, Its the ' I cant let go of the worry because of the what ifs' or 'I cant pretend i'm actually well and that its all anxiety', because it might not be. So this is where i'm stuck xxx

29-11-13, 20:10
"Maybe it's the I can'ts" that are the problem. Maybe trying more often to say "I can".

29-11-13, 20:21
I appreciate your positivity :) xxx :D

29-11-13, 20:25

I'm not a sufferer but I've been through the Valley. Kudos on taking a positive step. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Positive thoughts!

29-11-13, 20:35

Ive read several posts of yours and really do respect the advice you give. I take my hat off to you for being able to talk and help anxiety sufferers given the illness you have. Thankyou xx