View Full Version : My story ...

29-11-13, 13:17
Hi everyone I've been a member of this forum about a year now and have had many symptoms.

I've been battling health anxiety since my grandad was diagnosed with lung cancer 2 years ago he passed away June this year since then I've gone downhill.
Every twinge pain etc I believe I'm going to die. I'm 24 years old, have a daughter and stable family life and a good job, but it all seems to be ruined by health anxiety. I've been docs with heartburn, acid reflux, ibs, headaches chest pain u name it tbh his sick of seeing me I think. I'm currently on citalopram 10 m,g which I've gone back on to this last month after cutting down and coming off them. I'm also on propranolol 10 mg twice a day. My fear at the moment is chest stomach related I keep getting twinges and central twinges recently and then I obsess over it thinking I'm going to pass out any minute, can anyone relate to this??? I just want to lead a normal life!! Thanks for reading

29-11-13, 13:28
Hi Natalie, sorry you're feeling so bad, and I'm sorry you lost your grandad.

With regard to the anxiety have you ever tried anything like CBT or counselling? Or even bereavement counselling to help you deal with your grandad's death?

29-11-13, 13:31
Hi Natalie,

I am the same as you and just posted a similar thread...
My symptoms are predominately around neurological issues such as dizziness, vertigo and vision issues. I am the same as you though and feel like im going to pass out or collapse any minute and live in constant fear that I will!
I am only 25 and really struggle with my Health Anxiety and can happily say its ruining my life to..
Have you tried any therapy? x

29-11-13, 13:33
I've tried cbt before and my 12 weeks finished back in July x

29-11-13, 13:45
So could you try some of the CBT techniques you learned on these current worries? Maybe pull out all your old exercises, have a look through them, and see what ones would be good to apply to your current worries.