View Full Version : lightheaded all the time

09-11-06, 15:07
Don,t know where to start. started suffering with anxiety two years ago after a build up of constant stresses. I have suffered very severe symptoms through to full blown panic attacks but what is keping me miserable that for the past 6 months i feel constantly lightheaded 24/7 as if i am going to pass out. At one stage was down at the doctors 3 times a day. Doctors say that there is nothing wrong with me. Had brain scan and everything but convinced that doctors have missed something and are leaving me to die. This is ruining my life. Started seeing a pyschologist last week. Has anybody else experienced this.

sheree ritchie

09-11-06, 15:58
hi sheree
yeh i can totally relate to how you,re feeling hun!!!
i feel like this most of the time too!
the only time it goes away is at the very end of the day when i,m about to go to bed!!!
i think the only thing that helps is relaxation(which for us anxious people is really hard!
have you got any relaxation cd,s you could maybe listen to?
sorry i can,t be of any more help,but just know that you are not alone
hope this helps a little
take care
rachel x

09-11-06, 16:23

I can relate to this as well and it is terrifying. I have had constant dizziness/lightheaded feeling for 4 months and having read postings on this forum it appears to be a very common symptom of anxiety and stress. The difficult thing is accepting that it isn't anything more serious. The good news is it does go and for the last 2 weeks I have only experienced it occasionaly so I am hoping it is going to leave me completely. Feel free to PM me.

Take care.


09-11-06, 16:40
Hiya sheree

Dizziness and lightheaded is very common with anxiety. I get dizzy quite often. I am getting used to this now and it does not worry me so much, I just try to distract myself. I don't faint or anything and when I'm not thinking about it, it seems to go away for a while.

I think its something to do with the adrenaline from anxiety.

Hope this helps.


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

09-11-06, 18:52
Hi sherrie,

Your not on your own, this was my worst symptom,

Here are some posts that may help:

Spaced out/ dizzy
Spaciness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2696)
Light Headed (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2951)
dizzyness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3062)
Jules31 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=310)
Light Headed (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2951)
Very dizzy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3743)
help :( (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3742)
vertigo, diziness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4877)
Vertigo type sensations (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5669)
New to this site and need some advice :( (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5961)
Is my head normal??? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6731)
Anxiety + Panic + Stress + Dizziness + some relief (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6338)
Dizziness - I hate it, any help? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6854)

fear of relaxing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3762)
Visualisation Technique? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=414)
Relaxation.. Questions? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5396)

Breathing technique
How Do You Do The Breathing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4042)
Breathing.. wow (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4037)
Breathing Techniques (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4044)
CONTROLLED BREATHING (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5041)
Working to get better, have a few Q's to ask... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5412)
Insatiable Mouth / Chest Breather???? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7113)



09-11-06, 19:14
I had it too for years not just months

It went in time when things gradually got better for me but I know how scary it can be.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

10-11-06, 05:43
Hi Sheree,

I do feel the same the last 2 years. At times you feel you have overcome the problem, but this feeling would soon be dashed by an unexpected panic attack, reminding us that it may never go away. With all the people getting sick with heart problems around us, the doubt that we have a heart problem remains serious in our minds. As many of the doctors are not really up to date with the latest research findings or technology, there is always a feeling that we need to go for further medical tests or see other medical specialists to find out whats wrong with us.

I am feeling down now as I just had a panic attack last night and I have still not recovered completely from it due to lack of sleep and general feeling of anxiety that something may be wrong with me. The panic attacks seem to come after a hectic day at work, more than mild physical exercise, consumption of caffiene or food, especially at night.

Although each time I had a panic attack, I did not faint, the miserable feeling felt seems to have a damaging effect on my adrenalin. Further the frequent feeling of anxiety had also reduced my ability to handle most stress effectively. I am not sure how long I can go on like this.

So as a contingency plan I intend to do the following:

1) Go to medical specialist who is familiar with my type of problem to find out what exactly is wrong with me and to take the appropriate action
2) Avoid drinking tea, coffee and any other Caffiene related food products
3) Do not overexercise
4) To drastically reduce my work load which is largely stress related
5) To let my spouse and children know of the problem I am facing
6) Eat smaller meals which are nutritional, avoiding too much sugar, salt and carbohydrate.
7) Go for Yoga and meditation classes more diligently
8) Try to take time off from work to go somewhare where relaxation facilities are available

Hoping my contribution is of some help to you

Keep well and kind regards


10-11-06, 08:42
hi Sheree
as you can see your not alone with your problems most of us have had or still get these symptoms,rest assured its anxiety.Your going to see a pyschologist thats a step in the right direction,Ravi has posted some excellant advice as well especially about caffiene,you will always have people on this sight who care and will advise you on this journey.I am gradually overcoming panic GAD deppression myself and can not work properly and as im self employed this is hard as im under severe financial pressure as well due to not working much as i should,but deep down i know im getting better and mainly down to this excellant sight and the amazing kind warm hearted people who post on here and who give me the strength to carry on
good luck

10-11-06, 12:33
Are you having to stay in as a result of feeling like this?

10-11-06, 13:41
Hi Sheree,

Your not the only one. I am lightheaded most of the time also. I thought I had a heart problem I went to the hospital so much I think everyone knows me by my name now. lol It ws just my anxiety getting to me and I never even knew it. It sucks big time but know that your not alone.
{{{BIG HUGS}}}

I am so glad to have someone to talk to who goes through the same thigns I do.

10-11-06, 14:08
Hi your not alone pet,I feel like this alot and it gets me well down.:(

Ellen XX

18-11-06, 17:20
Hiya, i too can relate 2 this symptom.. i have just stated cognitive behavioural therapy and i discussed this symptom with her, and she told me that... because all our adrenaline is rushing round our body and the heart is pumping blood to all our muscles incase we have to run away (fight or flight responce) then some of the blood from our brain and stomach is taken to go to our muscles, thats why we feel dizzy and lightheaded and also nauseous.
She also told me, that out of all the patients she has seen, and she has seen alot! none of them has ever fainted because of a panic attack, she said that in order to faint your blood pressure needs to be low, and when we panic, our blood pressure goes sky high throughout the attack, so there is no way we can pass out!
hope that helps in some way,

20-11-06, 11:12
i can relate to the way u are feeling the same thing is happening to me at the moment and i have convinced myself something terrible is happening to me i am stressing so much about it my family dont seem to understand how i feel which makes it hard for me .


22-11-06, 20:56

For those who have the lightheadedness - did medication help? And what kind did you take?


01-02-09, 03:25
Hi everyone,
I have been lightheaded for about 3 years now, I knew I had a panic/anxiety problem. But I had had that since I was alittle girl and never had the light headness ever. SO I was scared, I would just be in a store and I would get funny feeling im my head, like my legs just couldn't hold me up anymore, like if I didn't sit I would fall.. Well I went to doctor after doctor and noone could find anything wrond with me. Then I started seeing a nurse practioner and she was fresh out of school, and she sent me for MRI and a couple other things just to be safe then she told me its was stress/panic attacks/ anxiety. But I wasn't feeling any attacks everytime I was light headed so I was confused.. But she said that when you have these attacks its a chemical imbalance in your brain. And that's why most ppl that have these kinds attacks eventually feel the light headedness almost constant. So she started me on CELEXA, it takes 4 to 6 weeks to get in your systom all the way. But I have been on it for 2 1/2 weeks and it does help lots with the ligh headedness as well as other symptoms. I was very scared to take a pill like this but one day I said enough is enough.. I thought to myself, if this one little pill can help me in anyway I owe it to myself to try it. And I am so glad I did. This pill did NOT make me high or zombie like.. But with the first pill I could feel that constant tightness I had in my chest losen just a little the with the next one alittle more, and so on.. I never really knew what it ment to relax apparently, But it is nice and I owe it all to that little pills, that I had ben so scared of and held off on taking for 2 years. My big problem with the attacks was the constant heart flutters I barely have any of those now. So if your symptoms are bothersom and you want to try to get them taking care of I would recommend trying something. Anyone want to chat email me

01-02-09, 14:34
Yep me too. Had this loads and definitely panic. Professional help will help. Try not to worry, this is really common

01-02-09, 14:50
Gosh, it seems that dizziness is a big symptom of anxiety. I too have been having 'attacks' such as those described in previous threads, and for a long time did not realise these were stress/anxiety related, but now do. I think the key is to find what works for YOU as we are all very different, although in saying that I recognise there are common factors and so you may find that what works for someone else, may work for you too. What works for me, is a, recognising that these symptoms are stress/anxiety related, and b, acupuncture. I have just finished my fourth session of six and intend to book up six more. What the acupuncturist told me was that the treatments dont actually REDUCE the stress, but they make our body stronger in order to COMBAT the stress, so we are better equipped to deal with it. I work in a secure unit with young offenders from 12 - 18 and this is very challenging on a minute to minute basis, it can get very physical as we are taught to restrain them, they are very artful in being manipulative deceptive and all the other negative descriptions you can think of, so you can imaging when at work for 8 or 15 (sometimes) hours your body is always 'ready' for the next adrenaline rush. I guess I am saying is that if I have managed to relieve some of my symptoms anyone can, it's just getting in the right frame of mind, POSITIVE, and securing the right 'TREATMENT', someone also said letting those around u know what your are going through. This helped me a great deal, as much of my ENERGY was being spent looking as 'normal' as I could, whilst a raging surge of negativity was coursing through my every cell. I hope this is not too deep, but this is truly where I am at at the moment. Another thing I have found helped is that when I have a good day, week or whatever, when symptons resurface, know that they will again pass, believe this and they will.
love'n'good vibes,

02-02-09, 13:24
I have been feeling light headed for days now and it is really beginning to get to me.

I am at my wits end and feel really down about it. It is also causing me to feel like I'm shaking.

What can I do!!

Do I go to doctors? Is it something more serious?

Really fed up and worried :weep:

08-02-09, 23:06
OH MY GOODNESS! :ohmy: !!!

You are definitely not alone with this hun! I have been suffering with this for over 3 months! The first time I went to the emergency room because I was convinced I was going to die.

I've had everything done, MRI, MRI with contrast, CT Scan, Blood tests, and a Carotid Ultrasound.

Out of all these tests the only thing they found was high cholesterol lol.
All the doctors tell me it's anxiety, I do not believe them because I have been to the emergency room 3 times and have gotten injected tranquilizers and they only made me feel worse. I think to myself...if it was anxiety the tranquilizers would have made me feel better.
Even though I must admit, I am pretty anxious, but HEY! Who wouldn't?? Feeling faint 24 hours a day 7 days a week!!?!

Have you noticed that it gets worse when you go out?? I don't know if this happens to you, but I have noticed for me that it does.

Please send me a message whenever you have time so that we can talk.
It would be so nice to speak to someone who can finally understand me :D

Oh and another thing!
I do not get them in attacks like supposedly happen for people that get anxiety attacks.
I have them ALL THE TIME! From the minute I wake up until I go to bed!

17-02-10, 23:42
hi, im relating to alot of people on here. ive been to a couple regular doctors & they all said that im fine. but i am lightheaded every single day. i used to get anxiety attacks alot but i dont anymore. i cant take this feeling anymore & i really dont know what to do. someone please help

18-02-10, 00:37
Hi megan, i've had this spaced out disconnected feeling and like many others it lasted a long time. I know it's maybe not that helpful but the empathy for you is huge. I lost a lot of time in my life being unable to do anything, even though i was confident there was nothing physically wrong it would not go away. I could howl in despair as i couldn't drive, couldn't function. I was so ashamed. But it slowly went away. God i wish this site had existed then. Try to take heart, i know it's not easy (understatement) but we're here to prove life can get better. You know, writing this is reminding me of how bad it was. That's was! Take care and good luck

22-02-10, 20:18
Quite reassuring to read this!

I have been feeling very light-headed/detached/dizzy for a few months now. I don't really know where it has come from. I had been putting it down to a number of things, including high blood pressure, low blood sugar, and a variety of other things!

It has been getting slowly worse, and I now have finally made a doctors appointment to discuss..

But it is interesting to hear that it is such a common symptom! it is not one I have had in isolation before (i.e except during a panic attack)

I have been quite worried about my elderly mother recently, so maybe that is the root cause of a certain background level of constant anxiety?

08-07-10, 12:12
I know exactly how you all feel. I have been having mild panic attacks for about 4 yrs now. Last year I had 2 fairlybig ones and my dr put me on propranalol. This seemed to help a bit. Recently though I have been feeling lightheaded all the time 24/7 . I have convinced myself I have a brain tumour. I keep putting all my symptoms down to the anxiety but am now starting to believe it can't just be that!! I haven't had a panic attack for ages, just the odd wobble if I'm in a queue so why the constant dizziness?? Help :( x

11-11-10, 10:41
i have this problem, i went really light headed at work and have been light headed for a week now, its making me panic i went to emergency room and i had heart tests and blood tests, my heart is beating fine and my blood pressure is normal, i feel light headed 24/7 and i have a feeling my throat is closing up and i cant breath and i feel like my chest is very very tense, i just cant relax because im so worried i have something more serious wrong, however i havent experienced a panic attack and i have never experienced this before , i took kalms last night and i felt i was getting better then this morning woke up and bam i feel the same, im scared to be alone incase i pass out and driving becomes a huge unsafe task, no one seems to understand, i had blood tests at the hospital and they told me i wasnt anemic could i have anxiety ? will it ever go away? what can i do to help this condition because right now i feel like i want to die and its pointless because im so tired and just want to feel normal :( PLEASE HELP

Kerry B
11-11-10, 22:02
Hi Charchar

You are not alone with the dizzy/light headed i am exacetly the same as you loosing the will to live with this lightheadness all the time, its taken over my life. I had it a few months back for 6 weeks 24/7. but its did ease for a few weeks but now its back again like a rash i just cannot seem to get rid. I do think is anxiety i didnt at first i was conveniced i had a brain tumour. the only comfort is your not alone

12-11-10, 11:28
i had this symptom when coming off citalopram - it is really horrible but it is only an anxiety symptom - the more you accept it/try to let it be there and just "know" that it will go in time will be enough for you to have short periods where it lifts and then days at a time where you don't have it. you may want to try and massage your neck muscles too - it can be caused by tension in the neck but please be reassured that your scan was clear and so there is no sinister cause. my uncle had this so bad with anxiety that he literally had to hold onto things to stay upright - his too was all anxiety x

12-11-10, 15:25
I've been feeling lightheaded on n off for the last two months.
sometimes it's more of a headrush.
I do get very lightheaded when I get a migraine and it feels almost like I'm fighting the fainting.
feel pretty faint right now which is unusual for me so hope it goes away.
I aslo get headrush n weakness if I stand up too fast.
does anyone else find there vision goes funny too like it's hard to focus??

31-12-10, 22:34
let me start by saying thank god i'm not alone people been telling i'm crazy if i keep on thinking about i really going to make it bad....I try to think right but this light headed thing is going crazy got a mri of my head with and without contest a month ago it was clear i got the news and 2 week later it came out of no where light headed it been about a month now but told it was bad for 2 mins i had to hold on to the wall beath in and out i feel weak legs then i bought a protin bar and i feel ok but not 100%

also let me add last week i was sweating like crazy for 20mins light headed there was alot of people but that use to not bug me before

I do have high blood pressure but i take meds my numbers are most 140/90 but today it was 130/78
i use to do P90x but not anymore until i found out about this light headed

but my name is luis any more info well help going to see the doctor on thursday

lightheaded lew
15-03-14, 00:45
Don,t know where to start. started suffering with anxiety two years ago after a build up of constant stresses. I have suffered very severe symptoms through to full blown panic attacks but what is keping me miserable that for the past 6 months i feel constantly lightheaded 24/7 as if i am going to pass out. At one stage was down at the doctors 3 times a day. Doctors say that there is nothing wrong with me. Had brain scan and everything but convinced that doctors have missed something and are leaving me to die. This is ruining my life. Started seeing a pyschologist last week. Has anybody else experienced this.

sheree ritchie

I simpathise with you loads, I also suffer the same as u, and I hate it, it rules my life, 5 months now, and its worsned since the doc put me on armatriptaline 25mg. grrr. :weep:

---------- Post added at 00:45 ---------- Previous post was at 00:38 ----------

OH MY GOODNESS! :ohmy: !!!

You are definitely not alone with this hun! I have been suffering with this for over 3 months! The first time I went to the emergency room because I was convinced I was going to die.

I've had everything done, MRI, MRI with contrast, CT Scan, Blood tests, and a Carotid Ultrasound.

Out of all these tests the only thing they found was high cholesterol lol.
All the doctors tell me it's anxiety, I do not believe them because I have been to the emergency room 3 times and have gotten injected tranquilizers and they only made me feel worse. I think to myself...if it was anxiety the tranquilizers would have made me feel better.
Even though I must admit, I am pretty anxious, but HEY! Who wouldn't?? Feeling faint 24 hours a day 7 days a week!!?!

Have you noticed that it gets worse when you go out?? I don't know if this happens to you, but I have noticed for me that it does.

Please send me a message whenever you have time so that we can talk.
It would be so nice to speak to someone who can finally understand me :D

Oh and another thing!
I do not get them in attacks like supposedly happen for people that get anxiety attacks.
I have them ALL THE TIME! From the minute I wake up until I go to bed!
I cannot believe it, someone who feels the exact description as my feelings. I really feel for you... its a hateful thing to live with and too be quite honest. its getting to me... any one help .....:unsure:

15-03-14, 01:56
Lightheadedness is one of my main anxiety symptoms & boy do I hate it! :scared15:

As soon as my 'fight or flight' response is activated I start feeling nauseous & lightheaded, which can then lead to me feeling very spaced out & disconnected from the world.

It's a very common anxiety symptom but can be a very distressing one!

You're not alone. :)

30-11-14, 10:51
Dear all. I have suffered from anxiety for 20 years and get severe setbacks that come from nowhere, I read claire weekes books to get me through the day when I feel the need, I am suffering from a severe setback at he moment due to lods of stress in the last month, I still get frightened about how I feel sometimes this morning I woke up feeling spaced out lightheaded and I have had a that wierd feeling of exshaustion and unreality . I would like some advice please, because it wanted to go to see my granddaughters christmas concert on the 10th December I had to ring my hairdressers to change the appointment to the 17th the following week, I have had to have another hairdresser as my usual one has left, the lady who does my hair doesn't really say anything to me about my hair or what suits me etc. but because of my lack of confidence I just put up with it as it's near where I live,anyway when I spoke to her on the phone she was just like what time ? And I was trying to make conversation, when I said to her have you got a problem with me as I have tried to talk to you and you don't say anything.. She said to me give me a break I have enough on my plate etc. I said to her we all have problems , but anyway I am paying over €60 every 5 weeks for my hair and colour, do you think I should be treated abit better,as I am the customer. Or is this my fault. This sort if thing doesn't help my anxiety disorder.

30-11-14, 14:37
I get lightheaded all the time too. I had loads of hospital visits and tests, and it all points back to anxiety. I also get extremely nauseous daily now, it sucks.