View Full Version : Does anyone else worry about this too?.....

29-11-13, 16:32
Ok, so this is my biggest anxiety and I was wondering if there are others who struggle with this too and any suggestions I can use to help settle it down?.....

I have huge anxieties when I don't hear from someone (mostly my partner) as I start to fret and worry beyond all reason that something terrible has happened to her. It seems to be worse if I contact her (text for example) and then hear nothing for a bit....the longer the wait, the worse the worry gets.

I only seem able to settle again after she has been in contact and I know she is ok. Until then, the fear that something has happened has me so worried I feel tense all through my body, unable to settle and unable to think about almost anything. I'm anxious about it right now and so writing this is proving really difficult....I hoped a distraction may help!

I have no idea if this means I suffer from GAD (I can worry about almost anything!) but whatever it is I don't like it! When I'm anxious and fretting like this I cancel any plans I have or I come home from work early or whatever so I can just sit in bed and wait and worry. That is not normal!!!

I have been like this about people for as long as I can remember and it's hard work! It has also reached the point where I can't look forward to seeing people as I'm so worried something will happen to them and I won't get to see them. My partner is coming to visit next week (We live miles apart) and I'm terrified something is going to mean it won't happen.

I *know* there is no point worrying about these things, but I simply can't seem to help it. My girlfriend is brilliant about it but I wish I could manage to go a day without huge worry if I don't hear from her for a bit :(

Anyone else know what I mean?

Thanks :)

29-11-13, 16:56
I know exactly what you mean! In fact I am sitting here now worrying myself crazy because my son and his wife are coming to stay tonight and have a 4 hour car journey. I know I will not settle until they get here.
If I text family and they don't answer straight away, I don't think 'They are probably busy' or 'phone needs charging' I just think 'Oh what awful thing has happened to them!'

29-11-13, 17:10
It's very normal. I was the same with my previous boyfriends. I adopted thinking like 'they're probably busy or left their phone behind' and to keep reminding myself. I don't get it so much more, but I do when my husband is out and he hasn't texted me in hours. Do you live with your girlfriend?

30-11-13, 20:36
Hey, thanks, it's good to know I'm not the only one who can worry endlessly and not settle until I hear from someone.

No, I don't live with my GF although I think that would probably help to be honest. At the moment it's very long distance and so then my worry can go up even more thinking 'what if something terrible happens and I've not seen her for so long' etc etc. It's really hard work!