View Full Version : Couple of weeks off

29-11-13, 19:40
Hi everyone,

I am going to take a couple of weeks off this site as I have just been looking through my posts and I don't know what's happened to me.

The reason I'm starting a thread is because I just wanted to say thank you to everyone and sorry to some posters such as CPE, Kate and Fishmanpa as they have been so supportive of me and my behaviour is throwing the kindness back in their face. Especially Kate who emailed me even though it was tough for her and my silly brain could not see sense. Well I am seeing it now and I'm sorry Kate, it meant a lot.

I'm however in a position now where I KNOW this is it. I have so much too live for and I mean it when I say I'm going to put my all into getting better.

This site is incredible and some of you are incredible people. I going to make a donation shortly as this site has helped me get through so much with the amazing people on here.

Anyway, I'm going to Do this and make sure I support others on this sit soon.

Sean x

29-11-13, 19:43
Why not stay here Sean and be a part of the positive change? Become a part of the recovery that you so desire.

29-11-13, 19:56
I've respectfully refrained from responding to the last few posts as they were totally over the edge but after the fear of static electricity post, this is a good idea. You're only feeding the demon.

Best to ya Sean... I really hope you finally take the bull by the horns. Your family needs you!

Positive thoughts and prayers

29-11-13, 20:12
Have to agree with Fishmanpa. Take a break and if in a couple of weeks you are doing alright why not pop back. I have decided that I am never going to offer anyone symptom reassurance but I am really happy to support anyone with recovery. Feel free to PM me and I will give you my email address if it would help. But just to be clear I won't tell you what I think about physical symptoms.

Either way - good luck. Fishmanpa is right, the static electricity one was a bit bonkers ;)