View Full Version : Lump at back of throat

29-11-13, 19:56
Hi everyone,

Sooooo... last sunday I looked in the mirror at my mum's and saw this lump at the back of my throat - on the back wall. It's quite big and obvious - even my husband says its there (not in my mind! :blush: )

It doesn't hurt, I haven't got a sore throat or anything. I have a history of cervical HPV infection and precancerous cells that was treated 6 years ago and came back this year. Obviously, my mind automatically thought the worst :blush:

So I went to the GP and the dentist - I could have got an earlier appointment in the week but it would have clashed with work and I don't want HA to totally rule my life. The GP had a look and said "probably lymphatic tissue.." and told me not to worry.

I'm not sure why but I feel really bleak about this and despite the GP saying it was OK I feel uncertain. I know this is a typical reassurance seeking response but I know I was right to go to the GP with a lump.

Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to get this out of my head and move on...?

Thank you

Space xxx

29-11-13, 20:39
the doctor said not to worry then don't. if you don't feel better about it get a second opinion

29-11-13, 20:40
I guess the question is: Who could tell you you're fine that you'll believe? If you can't rest on the words of a medical professional then nothing anyone here says will make a difference as none of us are medical professionals.

I've learned that the "What If?" demon is part of the HA cycle. From what I've seen therapy, CBT, meds or a combination thereof are the first steps in getting well. There are several posters who recently have made great strides so it's proof that this illness can be treated.

I'm not going to reassure you other than to say with HA, to doubt is normal. Go to the dentist and whoever else you feel you need to see but while you're there, speak to them about your HA and ask for referrals and/or suggestions as to how to treat it.

Positive thoughts