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View Full Version : Propranolol side effects

29-11-13, 22:08
Hi All

I posted this in the medication section, but no one has replied, so. Hope you don't mind me posting it here.

I have just been prescribed propranolol 80mg slow release for my health anxiety symptoms, but I'm nervous about the side effects.

Has it made anyone gain weight? I've read stories of people putting on 30lbs in a month! I'm overweight already and don't want to put anymore on, in fact I'm trying to lose some.

I also have a very active 15 month old son and am scared I'll be too spaced out, dizzy to look after him safely or drive anywhere.

My GP says that they hardly have any side effects but I've read some awful things. Also when should I take it, in the morning or at bedtime?

Thanks, any experiences would be gratefully received.

29-11-13, 22:55
I took this years ago when I was first diagnosed with anxiety. The only bad side effect I had was very vivid nightmares. It certainly didn't make me gain weight even though I was trying to as I was underweight at the time. It helped with the physical symptoms of panic although for me ADs worked better for my anxiety.

30-11-13, 16:34
Thanks for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it. I've decided against taking them as I'm too scared of the side effects.

30-11-13, 17:03

I did a search here on the site and found several posts on the subject. The overall consensus was quite positive. I looked up the side effects on two pharmaceutical sites and just a hair over 1 in 100 experience any side effects. The overall conclusion is that the benefits far outweigh the negatives. It's a beta blocker used to help treat heart disease but has very positive benefits in treating anxiety. Being that it's a slow release, you won't be getting a lot into your system at one time lessening even more the chances of any side effects.

Here are a few quotes I found:

"I have been on the Propranolol SR 80mg. From what I understand it should be something that acts straight away on the physical symptoms of anxiety. When I took it, I certainly felt calmer and physically less tense after about 30 mins and it lasted all day."

"I started off on these and then had to go up to 160mg slow release, for me they helped so so much so I would not be scared to take them."

"I've taken these for years and they really help with the physical symptoms of anxiety. Don't be scared hun"

"I'm on 80mg of slow release propranolol. Prescribed for racing heartbeat due to constant anxiety and panic attacks. I was also trembling due to the adrenalin thumping through my body most of the day. It has helped enormously with the physical symptoms..."

Certainly it's your decision but based on your GP prescribing it and the very negative aspects of having anxiety, I would re-consider your decision.

Positive thoughts

30-11-13, 18:06
Hi Mondie

Have a read of the posts in the Propanolol sub-forum and you will get and idea of what to expect.