View Full Version : What PHYSICAL symptoms do people get ?

09-11-06, 15:58

Just interested to know people's experience of the diverse range of different physical symptoms that anxiety has induced in us from time-to-time ?

Mine (currently) are : shooting pains in right side of chest, burning pain between shoulder blades, stiff neck.

Do you think that anxiety can mimic just about any real life disease ?


09-11-06, 17:04
i have only been suffering with anxiety for nearly a year but i have suffered with loads of physical symptoms. before i was i actually diagnoised i had all but convinced myself i had ms, due to leg numbness and pins and needles all over.
my latest physical symptoms are similar to yours. i have a lot of achiness around my rib cage area into the shoulders and neck.

i honestly think anxiety can mimic most real life illnesses. so much so when i first had this achiness i made the mistake of googling and ended up convinced i had breast cancer.

the fear of this is slowley subsiding but i'm sure it won't belong before i
start with a new symptom.

all the best

penny x

09-11-06, 19:21

i tend to get lots of ectopics thats the worst for me .

jodie xx

10-11-06, 12:54
God, you name it its been ( and usually gone I must admit). Palpitations, dizziness, headaches, tingling in throat and chest, breathing problems, feeling faint, the list goes on....

10-11-06, 13:10
Try these ...

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

The next bit is taken from My Story on the website ....


I get a lot of emails asking me about various symptoms that people get and are they normal. I thought I would just give you an idea of what I have suffered over the years (not to frighten you but just so you appreciate that there are so many):

Apart from the hyperventilation (which is very common in Panic Attacks and Anxiety), I have suffered the following symptoms:

Constant and re-occurring diarrhoea - sometimes for months on end.

Eyes twitching - I could look in a mirror and the corner of my eyes were moving!

Chest pains - I used to get a lot of these and was seriously concerned that I was going to have a heart-attack. I have since learnt that they are due to the constricting of the heart muscles and apparently the best cure is to start exercising and stretching these muscles to relieve the pain.

Stomach upsets - this I still suffer from. I get bad pains, upset stomach, indigestion, acid pains etc.

Sleeplessness - yeah I still suffer from this. I sleep so lightly that the slightest thing wakes me up and I find it really hard to relax and sleep! When I do sleep it is intermittent and I wake up many times in a night and then in the morning feel that I haven't slept at all.

Dizziness - my biggest problem - feeling that I am going to faint/pass out. This was most annoying whilst driving, as I was scared that I would crash. Other times I could just be sitting watching TV and suddenly feel light-headed. This symptom went on for many years.

Irritable/Moody - oh yes and with a vengeance at times!! I must have been impossible to live with!! I sometimes got very childish as well and would throw tantrums and objects!!

Depressed - I had a lot of depression in the early years of the Panic Attacks. I would cry almost all the time and could just see no end to the illness.

Suicidal - Although I had no intention of taking my life, I did feel that I didn't want to live anymore - there was nothing worth living for in my eyes.

Hurtful/hateful - I could be very hurtful towards others. I drove people away as I was so spiteful and aggressive - hitting out at the ones I loved just because they were there.

Feeling of being 'vague' or 'unreal' - I always described this to people as feeling as though "I was not really here". I felt that I was an outsider looking at the world through my eyes - very weird sensation.

Claustrophobia - this has definitely got worse since I started suffering from panic attacks. I am now very claustrophobic to the point that it restricts things that I do - e.g. going to the cinema, lifts, flying etc.

Fear of motion - I have developed a fear of motion - I hate been driven in the car as I hate the sensation of going from fast to slow. Weird I know but true.

Sensitive to drugs - every time I take new medication I suffer from every side-effect that it has. This is because I read the accompanying leaflet and then fear that I am going to get those side-effects and guess what - I do!!

I could go on but I think I will stop there for now!!


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

10-11-06, 14:47
These are the symptoms I've experienced so far:

Palpitations and ectopic beats, chest pains, shortness of breath, pins and needles in arms and hands/burning sensations in hands, visual disturbances/floaters, mighty headaches, sleeplessness. There's prob more but hey if I've forgotten about em then that's great :D At the mo I'm struggling with feeling dizzy/lightheaded, pretty weak all over and my legs feel like jelly.

10-11-06, 15:24
Absolutely everything.
I will be here for 2 days listing them all.
The more we worry,the more ill we get,the more ill we get,the more we worry.
Its anxiety but my doc agreed that the pains and all are real.

Love xFlyx

10-11-06, 15:36
cant breathe (which doesnt help my asthma)
buzzing in ears
excessive sweating
lump in throat


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

13-11-06, 03:45
Hello Dave and Friends-

I could say that I can fill a book as to the symptoms I have had over all the years of being an anxiety sufferer
Oddly enough, the one for the last few days has been shooting pain in right breast and as you, burning and stiffness in high upper back and terrible pain in right shoulder
The laundry list continues with:
Visual Disturbances
Excessive belching
Acid reflux
Lightheadness and a feeling of being imbalanced
Adrenaline rushes
Skipped heart beats
Lump in throat
Catastrophic and " what if thinking"
Fear of flying- note: I can totally relate to Nicola's comment on motion- I am super sensitive to motion and it can in fact trigger anx attack in me- in car, elevator, even in dentist or beauty salon chair when it
goes up etc
Physical sensations trigger the anxiety attack for me
Needless to say, HA is one of the major ones for me
There are others that I am probably not listing but the above have been the main culprits for me
If someone said that there is a product that induces all our mentioned symptoms there is no way there would be any takers
Best to you Dave from across the pond
Let me know how you are faring



" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown

13-11-06, 08:46
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Try these ...

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

The next bit is taken from My Story on the website ....


I get a lot of emails asking me about various symptoms that people get and are they normal. I thought I would just give you an idea of what I have suffered over the years (not to frighten you but just so you appreciate that there are so many):

Apart from the hyperventilation (which is very common in Panic Attacks and Anxiety), I have suffered the following symptoms:

Constant and re-occurring diarrhoea - sometimes for months on end.

Eyes twitching - I could look in a mirror and the corner of my eyes were moving!

Chest pains - I used to get a lot of these and was seriously concerned that I was going to have a heart-attack. I have since learnt that they are due to the constricting of the heart muscles and apparently the best cure is to start exercising and stretching these muscles to relieve the pain.

Stomach upsets - this I still suffer from. I get bad pains, upset stomach, indigestion, acid pains etc.

Sleeplessness - yeah I still suffer from this. I sleep so lightly that the slightest thing wakes me up and I find it really hard to relax and sleep! When I do sleep it is intermittent and I wake up many times in a night and then in the morning feel that I haven't slept at all.

Dizziness - my biggest problem - feeling that I am going to faint/pass out. This was most annoying whilst driving, as I was scared that I would crash. Other times I could just be sitting watching TV and suddenly feel light-headed. This symptom went on for many years.

Irritable/Moody - oh yes and with a vengeance at times!! I must have been impossible to live with!! I sometimes got very childish as well and would throw tantrums and objects!!

Depressed - I had a lot of depression in the early years of the Panic Attacks. I would cry almost all the time and could just see no end to the illness.

Suicidal - Although I had no intention of taking my life, I did feel that I didn't want to live anymore - there was nothing worth living for in my eyes.

Hurtful/hateful - I could be very hurtful towards others. I drove people away as I was so spiteful and aggressive - hitting out at the ones I loved just because they were there.

Feeling of being 'vague' or 'unreal' - I always described this to people as feeling as though "I was not really here". I felt that I was an outsider looking at the world through my eyes - very weird sensation.

Claustrophobia - this has definitely got worse since I started suffering from panic attacks. I am now very claustrophobic to the point that it restricts things that I do - e.g. going to the cinema, lifts, flying etc.

Fear of motion - I have developed a fear of motion - I hate been driven in the car as I hate the sensation of going from fast to slow. Weird I know but true.

Sensitive to drugs - every time I take new medication I suffer from every side-effect that it has. This is because I read the accompanying leaflet and then fear that I am going to get those side-effects and guess what - I do!!

I could go on but I think I will stop there for now!!


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

<div align="right">Originally posted by nomorepanic - 10 November 2006 : 13:10:32</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


My God, I didn't realise...Im so sorry sweetie...My wife heard your symptoms and said she was like this before prozac..she has been on it for many years...I feel for you .. I didn't know.. Michael

13-11-06, 09:02
So that I make my contribution to the board and to this person i will list a few that i can think of recently and in the past ..Im sure I hopefully have forgotten alot but here are the ones that are fresh in my mind..

Racing heart.. feel like you are going to die..
Heart that sounds like its just going to quit at any moment..
Tingles all over my body..
Problems with stomach ... to much going out or too little..
Can't sit still.
then feel like if you don't you are going to pass out.
Leg cramps
Artery cramps between legs
Tesicles hurt,
Feet tingle and feel like electricty going through them
feet pulse as though they are swollen but arent
Chest feeling as though some one sat on it..
Left arm hurting like shooting pains..
Chest pains on the left side..
Blurred vision..
Cloudy vision.
Legs weak
Arms weak.
Arms shaking all over.when asleep and sometime tremble when awake
Tongue feels numb,
face feels numb,
feeling spaced out like im on drugs..
feeling of not being real.
Feeling like you cant breathe
New one..last night woke up like some strangling me..
Legs so stiff couldn't walk for three hours..this from going to the doctors and tension from it.. Couldn't drive either .. wife had to
Not sure to yet attribute this to anxiety but well hearing pulse in ears.. Lots of people tell me that..
head throbbing at night being pushed up and down like a machine
from veins I suppose..
Skin feeling like I can't feel it..all over.. sometimes hands,some feat
some face, some legs..
Feeling of something bad going to happen..
Feeling of blood being stopped up in my arms..
feeling of sadness although you know all it is,caused my anxiety,
Heart skipping beats..
Heart pounding ...
Heart too slow...
Hearing going in and out.. Screeching in hearing ..
Head feels numb
head hurts and has pain in different sections sometimes just random moments..
Arms feeling like they don't belong to me
feet the same feeling.
Breathing seems too deep or shallow.
Worried that I worry to much
Worried that I don't worry enough
Twicthing omg Twitching I could right volumes about thatt..
Eyesight.. cant stand bright sunlight..
cant take subtle light.. makes me feel as though im in a cloud.
Jaws hurting. ears hurting pain up the side of head,down the neck arteries in the neck..
Nose numb,
face feeling like sandpaper..
Feeling pulse in stomach..
Feeling pulse in chest
feeling pulse in my neck
Hearing pulse in my ears,
hearing pulse coming from somewhere.
having weird feelings all over my body even cramps around arms and chest..
Feeling faint..
Feeling like I cant drive very well..
Actualy these are pretty much the most recent but im sure there are many of the usual ones that are listed here that I get to..
Then I drink caffine and smoke and eat sweets every once in awhile then I worry that I have done that and get anxious because Im wondering whats going to happen..
Pretty much the total some of my existence everyday is like sitting in a doctors office waiting to be told the bad news.. Feel like that all day everyday.. Hope this helps.. take care.. If you need anything be sure and ask ..

13-11-06, 10:09
Thanks to everyone for your answers so far. It helps to know I'm not alone !
Best wishes to you all.