View Full Version : Having a moment, need some kind words.

30-11-13, 03:08
I just started coming here as I have recently discovered my problem. I won't bore with details but I have been to a doctor and I take prozac but I'm having a freal out. Earlier I was in the car with my mother and my face and hands went completly numb. Now I feel like I can't breath and I'm getting very worried. I have a broken hand and my doctor gave me vicodine the last one I took was 3 hours ago. I don't know if I should worry because I've worried like this before and was fine, I just want someone to talk to me and help.

30-11-13, 03:20
Are you worried about anything?

It may also have something to do with the meds your doctor gave you for your hand. Has the numbess gone away since?

I bet you're fine especially since you said you worried like this before and was fine, don't think about it too much :)

30-11-13, 04:16
The numbness did go away and I feel a little better now. I just hate when It happens to me I get so freaked out.

30-11-13, 06:22
That's great to hear it went away. Did you get any other symptoms along with it?

30-11-13, 06:32
Yes, my heart was racing and I felt like I was sufficating.