View Full Version : Taken zantac panic help

30-11-13, 08:48
Awful stomach problems, see previous post. Have just taken a zantac for the first time and panicking out of control. So scared of side effects. Had terrible night with nausea and pain, scared witless. Please reply somebody. Convinced I have something terrible. Thanks.

30-11-13, 11:23
Don't know how to help you but I take a generic Zantac 150 twice a day with no issues. Really helps prevent acid stomach.

Positive thoughts

30-11-13, 11:26
I remember i went up to my nans house.. and she was like take this.. i really didnt want to because I was so scared of the side effects but i took it and there was no side effects and I did help a little!

30-11-13, 12:53
Thanks for replying. Still feeling bad and very very anxious and shaky about stomach but I didn't have anaphalytic shock from the tablet! Hopefully I can take another one later without going into panic freefall. I am such a phobic about anything medical and pills.