View Full Version : Is this anxiety? so scared

30-11-13, 13:44
Hi, just need some reassurance or advice on what to do.

I have suffered from OCD which my counsellor says is my own problem but recently have just been getting non stop physical symptoms which I don't know if are related to anxiety or not.

Main problem is I dont feel like I'm worrying really, so I don't know.

This problem used to only happen when I was in social situations such as walking into town, sitting in uni, sitting in a restraunt or something but atm its happening everywhere.

It just feels like something is not right, I feel sick, I have constant headaches. I feel really unattached from everything, like I can talk but its not me talking? I feel really weak, like standing up could make me pass out or something, the idea of doing anything really scares me.

What is wrong with me?! Is this anxiety or is this something else?

30-11-13, 15:09
Whoa! Back up here. Your counselor said OCD is your OWN problem? Get a new counselor. OCD is a very real anxiety related problem. I can't comment on it in any detail as I've never had it.

I can comment on you feeling sick though. I put up with it day after day, especially in social situations. You need to get a referral from a Doctor to see a psychologist. These are very much anxiety related symptoms. The Doctor and psychologist will help you with your OCD too.:)

30-11-13, 15:17
Sorry! That's my mistake was meant to write main, no idea why I wrote own!

Do you think that OCD can lead to a constant feeling of anxiety? Even if I don't feel I am worrying?

Thank you so much for your reply by the way, it really is appreicated.

30-11-13, 15:26
Absolutely! OCD is one of anxiety's triggers. What form does your OCD take? Do you constantly have to follow the same habits like checking things a number of times or count things constantly?

30-11-13, 15:32
Its changed a lot over time, used to be just sort of ritual things like checking a number of times, touching certain things certain number of times etc, now that's there but its more mental like, constantly saying things in my head and counting.

I just don't get why when I thought it had improved I'm now feeling like this, never used to get all these physical symptoms constantly and now do. I'm just really worried its not anxiety related at all and there's something wrong with me :( It used to be worse like physical anxiety when I was out but now its constant like just sitting at home and stuff

30-11-13, 15:57
I'm not medically qualified in any way. But it seems to me like your OCD is leading to the early stages of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. The two seem to go hand in hand from what I've read. Do yourself a favor and nip this in the bud now! Get medical help. counselor's don't have much in the way of medical qualifications. See your doctor and talk it through with him or her then take it from there OK?

It's almost 2.00am here in OZ. So I'm off too bed. But I'll follow this thread.

Try not to worry too much OK. With proper help you'll feel much better.:)

---------- Post added at 01:57 ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 ----------

PS. The worst thing you can do is sit at home! No matter how hard it seems get out of the house. Even if you just walk around the block.

30-11-13, 17:13
OCD and anxiety can and do go hand in hand. Everything that you are describing on the physical side of things points to anxiety. I find that I have to continually tell myself that this is anxiety and that it can't harm me. The more that I accept, truly accept this fact, the easier it becomes and the less the physical symptoms arise. cBT has helped me tremendously.

01-12-13, 19:04
The feeling of being detached from everything and fell like you are watching yourself is a strong symptom of anxiety called depersonalisation, it can feel extremely scary but all it is your mind kind of protecting itself from large stress. People get it during panic attacks or in moments of extreme fight or flight like jumping out the way of a train. Anxiety can make it more chronic, try not to let it panic you and try not to dwell on the feeling, if you do it will only make it feel worse, keep living your life and slowly it will fade.

02-12-13, 23:23
Russdownunder- Thank you so much for your reply. I think you are right about leaving the house! I haven't done in a while and I did today and was a horrific experience! I think because I haven't been out have built up anxiety about it, do you think this could be the case? My doctors are unfortunaltley not great - with being at university and final year they are not very supportive of offering me help because of high waiting lists, going to see if there is anything else I can try. Thanks again.

Tanner40- Thanks for your reply! I think your right about that, and has made me realise that because I'm in the state at the moment, of thinking there is something wrong with me seriously wrong and anticipating it, that I'm making myself worse! How do you stop telling yourself this?! I'm finding it impossible!

EnglishChris- Thanks so much for replying! Do you feel it is normal to feel like this constantly? I have bouts up and down of all of this but never seems to fully go away! I'm finding it really hard to live my life as this feeling is so strong!

03-12-13, 08:36
I think you need to trust your doctor and accept that these are anxiety symptoms and that there is nothing physically wrong with you. Make sure you take all mediation as prescribed and hopefully you'll start to feel better in time for the new year.