View Full Version : A weird one...Chicken panic

30-11-13, 14:43
Hi all.

I realise this is a bit of a silly one, but, being how I am I'm worrying myself.
I made myself and my mum one of those Birds Eye chicken fillets that you cook straight from frozen. As I was eating it thought the batter tasted a little undercooked, but it was all warm, so I kept eating. I put my knife and fork down and my mum said 'could have done with a bit longer...'. So I'm now panicking that I've given myself and my mum salmonella or some awful form of food poisoning. She said it was fine, just the batter stuff could've been crisper.
It said on the box cook for 25 minutes. I can't be sure it had this long, might have been 10 minutes short of the full cooking time. I can't remember if I put it in at 1 o clock, and it was due out at half past. I've got some mental block going on and I just cant remember. It wasn't pink or anything though, the meat looked white.
I'm supposed to be going out tonight, but now I'm worried I'll be violently ill while I'm out and mum will be ill too.
Does anyone have any advice, or think I have given us food poisoning?
Thanks x

30-11-13, 14:50
If I'm not mistaken, they're fully cooked and you crisp them in the oven ;)

Positive thoughts

30-11-13, 14:59
Thats what I thought fishman, but when I checked the box afterwards it said, 'contains some raw chicken, ensure piping hot'. That's what sent me into more of a panic! I should've mentioned that in my first post. Sorry.
What do you reckon? I'm hoping it maybe just says that to cover their backs, but even that's not making me feel too much better!x

30-11-13, 16:10
I don't think you have given yourself food poisoning, but even if you had it wouldn't be the end of the world. I got salmonella some years ago in North Africa from undercooked chicken. Aside from a few hours of feeling terrible and a fortnight of not being able to be about 5m from a toilet it was just one of those things.

Although I must say that North African toilets leave a lot to be desired :)

30-11-13, 17:31
Oh wow, how awful! I'm kinda hoping as I ate it a few hours ago I'm gonna be ok... Fingers crossed! Thanks for replying xx

30-11-13, 17:38
Yeah... if it was a few hours ago, you should be fine. Last time I got a case it came on pretty fast (3-4 hours)

Positive thoughts

30-11-13, 17:41
Was the chicken pink inside?

I remember whilst in Egypt staying in a hotel with my parents we all inclusive, chicken was on buffet thingy. As usual I cut down the middle and said to my parents I don't think this has been cooked fully as it was still pink raw.

My Dad quietly had a word with the chef not to make a big scene in front of the other guests staying in the hotel, the chef agreed with my Dad and was grateful that they could have been an outbreak of food poisoning, we were awarded with cakes and buns, plus kindly the chef brought up some fresh chicken cooked to our table.

I know these things do happen in hotel cooking for so many in the hotel, doing so many things on the buffet per day, to give people choice.

The last time I threw up I was 11 had an dodgy stomach one Saturday morning. I think the night before may have had something like a bun and the cherry) from that did I have not like eating cherries. I don't remember the meal I had that night, 18 years is a long time ago to remember.

30-11-13, 18:07
You know LF... when I first saw the title of the thread I thought it was going to be about freaking out over live chickens ~lol~ Have you ever been around them? Where I live there's a lot of chicken farms and you can smell them from a distance. They're rather dirty, nasty, smelly birds with mean temperaments to be honest. Peck at you and such. Pffft! Rather eat them then get to know them if you know what I mean ;)

Positive thoughts

30-11-13, 20:09
I ate a raw chicken ball from a Chinese restaurant the other week, I mean it was so raw it might aswell have been clucking on the plate. I had a little bit of an upset stomach and I was fine.

Oh and my boyfriends undercooked loads of the birds eye crispy chicken things, was fine :-)

30-11-13, 23:10
Hello LF,
If it helps in the summer my boyfriend done a bbq and I was eating a chicken thigh without looking at what I was eating and I thought it tasted funny and looked down and it had blood in it and I was fine despite that. I felt sick but I think it was just the thought of it xx

01-12-13, 18:38
Hi guys, just seen these replies now, thank you all! :) still no sickness so I think I've escaped! Fishman that made me laugh! I haven't met many chickens actually. I live on the coast, not many farms! I'm actually really panicking about something different now so I'm gonna start a new post x