View Full Version : Headaches - Pressure in my Head.

30-11-13, 17:30
Help, I really need advice.

I am a 37 year old male and over the last 4-5 months I have been experiencing headaches mainly around my eyes at the front of my head. I seem to be getting these headaches nearly every day. I always think the worst and think that it is a brain tumour. The pain feels like a pressure in my head and I have fleeting pains lasting a few seconds around different parts of my head. I must admit that the headaches are not really painful only about 2/3 out of 10 but they just seem to nag away at me. I know deep down that this is probably health anxiety which is the cause but I cannot seem to get rid of it and am always researching on Google and convincing myself which makes things worse. I have noticed that my eye sockets are also extra sensitive and are tender when touched
I have suffered from Heath anxiety for a long time, over the last few years I have has prostrate problems (going to the toilet a lot, dribbling urine etc) and convinced myself I had cancer. I have seen the docs and had some prostrate blood test and all has come back clear. - The doc has put it down to an enlarge prostrate - I still fear the worst though.

I suppose in my mind I was wondering if the constant worry over this is causing tension and anxiety?
I keep feeling stupid going to the docs all the time as they never seem to find anything so I feel like a hypochondriac. The viscous circle keeps going and I am thinking about the issues all the time. I have tried neck massages but this does not seem to relieve the symptoms.
I cant seem to enjoy anything like time off or holidays as I am tense all the time and think of the worst. I don`t know which way to turn.

30-11-13, 21:06
Welcome to the forum tommo :)

What has your doc said about the head pains?

It sounds very like muscle tension, which can be related to anxiety/stress or even simply to bad habits.

This type of pain and tension can often stem from these things:

- clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth, even in your sleep
- too much time spent looking down at your phone/tablet every day
- too much time spent in bad postures like sitting at the computer at work all day
- if your eyes are sensitive it may be from looking at screens/phones all day long

Have a think about these thing and you might find that your lifestyle may be playing a part in the muscle pain.

Regarding the anxiety - in all your trips to the doctor, have you spoken to him about getting treatment for your health anxiety?

01-12-13, 21:54
Hi Tommo, you have EXACTLY the same symptoms as me. Do you find that you only have a headache when you stop and think about it? And the more you think about it the worst it gets. And also when people talk about negative things it comes on? I'm on citalopram for my anxiety disorder and take paracetamol when the headaches get too painful but it's a nightmare. They have definately got better as I used to feel like my head was actually going to explode. You're not on your own x

02-12-13, 19:32
Hi all....thanks for the responses.

I did go to the Doctors a few weeks after getting my headaches he did few simple tests and did not think it was very serious. e.g. I did not have any other symptoms such as nausea, dizziness etc. He said it was either anxiety or an unspecific headache which the cause will never be found. He did say that I could go back if they had not gone off after 5-6 weeks.

I have not been back yet as I feel that I am wasting the docs time as there is probably nothing wrong with me and is just probably anxiety symptoms. I suppose one day there may be something really wrong with me? I have never discussed my anxiety with the doctors as I feel stupid!

I have considered it could be my posture and have been trying to be better and do some neck and shoulder stretches but as yet these have not helped.
Over the last few days I have been waking up with really stiff shoulders as well, I suppose it could all be related.

When you say that you have exactly the same symptoms is that including the tenderness in the eye sockets? Did you ever mention that to the doc?

My headache does feel worse when I think about it or get stressed over stuff.

I did wonder if I saw the doc and he prescribed medication how beneficial it would be for anxiety. I have struggled with muscle tightness all over my body for a while due to me not being able to relax. What is the medication like, does it stop your anxiety and relax you? I am not sure if I want to go down the medication route yet but it may be another avenue to explore.