View Full Version : whatsbthe weakest type of antidepressant out there

30-11-13, 20:03
is there one? ive heard prozac is a mild one. ive been prescribed fluoxetine and im terrified to try them. i have anxiety which i think may be causing me to feel so unbalanced everyday like im on a boat i spend my days worrying and concentrating on it which leaves me in a constant state of alert and panic i need help i think depression is going to set in as i cant see another way out and really dont want to take these tablets as im so afraid of feeling out of it :(

04-12-13, 07:12
I may be wrong, so take this with a grain of salt, but I don't think there's really an answer to the question of which one is the 'weakest' since everyone has different reactions to different drug types and doses.

04-12-13, 17:24
I agree you need to find the best one that helps you cope with daily life for now then onwards to a recovery, which ever that might be.

04-12-13, 21:40
When starting a new med I always start by taking half a pill or less and I generally want the lowest starting dose the doctor can prescribe too.

If you are concerned about side effects then perhaps ask the doctor if you are starting on the lowest dose or even if you can try half a pill to start off with?

Citalopram was the only antidepressant I've tried that made me feel 'out of it' and that was because I felt so fatigued.

Most of the modern antidepressants will not leave you feeling totally drugged up or out of it....... the changes tend to be subtle and gradual. Having said that some of them can cause increased anxiety in the early stages.

Mirtazapine is supposed to be quite mild - it is sedating and is taken in the evening to help sleep. Can cause hunger cravings and weight gain.