View Full Version : im inva bad place right now & so very worried plz help

30-11-13, 21:57
Hello please can anybody help im scared and so anxious . I went to the drs 2 months ago about an aching upper arm that had indented. Like the muscle had dented in. Went for xray all clear & no more pain dr was pressing on it and saying I cant explain it..that was then now I am twitching on my side of my hand my lip my ribs my calves they are everywhere . Some days its just when im resting other times its just random. Im so affraid I have ALS im thinking mustle wastage and now the twitches. Classic als symptoms according to goggle Im so scared and anxious . Please help if you can . Thankyou

30-11-13, 22:17
1-3 out of 100K get ALS. That's .001% - .003% of the general population... You have a better chance of getting hit by lighting or getting in a car accident....just sayin' :) That and your doctor gave you the all clear.

Read the muscle twitching section in the "Symptoms section. It may help.

Positive thoughts

30-11-13, 22:18
is the twitching specific to one side..... sometimes all muscles twitch for no reason at all it happens to me alot

30-11-13, 22:37
Thanks for the responses. My dr asked me to return for blood tests to rule out anything sinister but the dull ache stopped and indentation stayed . It looks like part of the mustle where it was aching is gone...my twitches are on fire in my calf right now yesterday it was it was in the side of my hand sucking in the skin..im just worried these 2 symptoms are hand in hand for als or some other underlying disease.

---------- Post added at 22:37 ---------- Previous post was at 22:34 ----------

Ps my dr didnt want to do blood tests if it wasnt hurting but if any other symptoms started to go back...im affraid im putting these 2 strange symptoms together.

30-11-13, 22:41
Have you discussed your anxiety with your GP?

Positive thoughts

30-11-13, 22:47
have you injured these areas were you are twitching e.g muscle strain ect

30-11-13, 22:48
No I havent...i get anxious when im worried about things..these twitches go off most of the time & id like to pin it on anxiety but the indentation concerns me anxiety wouldnt have caused my arm pain and indentation...

---------- Post added at 22:48 ---------- Previous post was at 22:48 ----------

Yappie...no I have not x

30-11-13, 22:53
It certainly would be in your best interest to discuss this with your doctor. This way he can address your health concerns more specifically and possibly offer positive ways to deal with your worries and anxiety..

Positive thoughts.

30-11-13, 23:20
I will do thanku...I wish this had never started. I am worrying myself silly.

---------- Post added at 23:20 ---------- Previous post was at 23:11 ----------

I have just read an article about someone who had qide spread twiches and some mucle indentation they are undergoing assessment for als. Another website read als doesnt start with random twitching its more localised. All saying different things and contradicting eachother.

30-11-13, 23:56
dont know if this will help but it could do..... when i use to get worried about whats wrong with me... and turn to dr google for a answer i would find my anxiety got worse... i then started believing i had these issues... so the way ive managed 95% get over this is by putting a self inflicted ban on googling things.... it was hard at first but trust me its makes you better after two weeks cause you not paranoid about every little thing thats going on. i know its hard... but just give it a shot... it worked for me except for the fainting thing that a general question cause i keep fainting so im scared of it happening again lol thats the 5% i hope this helps and makes sense

01-12-13, 08:00
Hi..I know you are right. I seem to goggle everything perhaps I should do that in the future. I will certainly try x ps do you think whats going on with my arm & twitching is nothing serious and more in my mind god I hope so.just wierd and unexplainable and somethings a anxiety is a strange thing and can do strange things id love it to be anxiety but I cant shake this dent off from being accosiated with all of this. Als ms muscular distropy all going round in my head till the early hours. But youre right the internet is not a good friend but we click on links and terrify ourselves !