View Full Version : Just a little bit worried!

30-11-13, 22:17
Hey all!

I've suffered from HA for a few years now and, though things have gotten a lot better since my last bout of worry (I was in a huge panic not that long ago about pain I was experiencing, but I think it turned out to be some sort of infection joined with the stress and anxiety), I'm starting to worry a little bit again.

I've been getting a few pains in my pelvic area (nothing too bad - the muscles feel a little bit tight) and around my hips. It's not necessarily pain, but more of a discomfort. I was just worried about it being ovarian cysts or something, but I keep being told by my family not to worry and, of course, that doesn't help.

Other than that, I've also been getting a few pains in the left side of my waist. Once again, nothing too serious, and it comes and goes.

I was wandering whether anybody else has experienced these, and what they turned out to be? Thanks!