View Full Version : Feel like I'm trapped in a prison with no escape :(

01-12-13, 11:30
My sensorimotor OCD around my breathing is now unbearable. I really think ending my life would be preferable to this. I can't let my breathing just run away with itself and be automatic like every one else's. It doesn't matter how much people tell me that I will not die from it, I just can't bear not being in control of something so vital to our survival. When I called a paramedic a couple of months ago, they told me they were taking me to A&E as my breathing was shallow (even though my oxygen saturation was normal). I have been paranoid about this ever since. I have lost interest in everything and can barely get myself washed and dressed. I tried to eat a banana this morning and threw it back up. I woke up in utter terror and started screaming uncontrollably. I dread facing every minute of every day.

I just can't function like this. Work are expecting me to travel to London to see a psychologist next week, but I have no idea how I will manage, even with someone. Nothing helps any more. I am fed up with being fobbed off with medication that just makes me more anxious (with the last lot, I was kicking and screaming on the floor in panic). Anything that does help (e.g. Diazepam) I am not allowed to take long term because it's 'addictive'. I even damaged my liver with excess alcohol two months ago, because I had got so desperate. When you can't face every minute of every day any more, it seemed like the only solution. I just don't want to live like this any longer. I am losing my sane mind.

I would really, really like to hear if anyone has been where I have and come out the other side. I am worried I am going to end up back in hospital (which I have a phobia of) or worse yet, sectioned. My father even threatened to call the police if I kicked and screamed on the floor again.

02-12-13, 15:37
Today has been even worse, and I am getting so desperate. I have been self medicating with alcohol again for a while and it's a vicious circle I have become caught up in. Every day is worse than the last :(.

14-12-13, 07:54
Hi Cath,

As of 3 days ago I've gone into a massive relapse, I feel like I'm trapped in a dream state, that I'm living in my own mind and I'm going to be stuck like it for ever. You need to remember that everyone gets their silver lining, better days always come. Let's think about this logically, ending your own life would be so, so! horrible for your family.. they would have to pick up all the pieces and it's not pleasant at all.

Just remember.

"Life's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward"

14-12-13, 19:26
Hope you are okay Catherine.I sent you a pm.I have had similar probs with breathing.Dont give up.:flowers: