View Full Version : Please advise me guys

09-11-06, 19:29
Hey guys

I know you always hear that walking is very good for you overall health but is too much walking bad for you? like does it put too much stress on the heart and cause negative symptoms?

I mean say if i walk 8 miles in one foul swoop, would i be in any danger health wise from walking such a distance?

Thanks guys

Dave, UK

09-11-06, 20:03

If you are not used to walking that kind of distance, you would be well advised to build up gradually. You should be fine starting out with say 3 mile walks and then build up when you feet and knees are used to it.

If you are otherwise fit and healthy there is absolutely no reason why you should not do walks like this. Walking is totally good for the human body. It is also a good stress-buster, it get's the hormones (endorphins) cascading through your brain and gives you heart a bit of a rev. All good. It is what we were built for. Roman soliers used to do 40 mile marches - day in, day out.

If you have any doubts - you really should be addressing this question to your GP.

I hope this helps.


09-11-06, 21:30
They always suggest you ask your doctor before embarking on any exercise regime but I cannot see why walking would be bad for you.

Make sure you pace yourself and don't overdo it and keep the fluids up.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

09-11-06, 21:56
A couple of 20 minutes walks a day i find keep me mentally and physically ok. I'll never do a marathon, but who cares!

Love to all members

10-11-06, 11:41
Walking got me back on track. I built up gradually to long walks. The beaty of walking is that it's very easy to do and very easy to build up the pace and length.

If the GP has given you the all clear then go for it. It won't strain your heart, it will benefit it.

Trev :D

10-11-06, 12:09
ive been watching that program "too fat to walk" and they were all obese and walked from dorset - scotland.

so if you have no medical problems it would be fine.


10-11-06, 13:36
I think you are making a wonderful decision ,to walk!Take it steady tho,dont push yourself too much or you wont enjoy it.I have got to be the laziest person on this site!!If i walk and my heart pounds[which it will when you never walk anywhere!!duh!]i just sit down again!!I should be more active and i think you are very brave for giving it a go,keep us posted!love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

10-11-06, 20:25
Hi Dave, walking is one of the best things to do to get back your health/confidence etc..take it easy, build it up gradually, do not over do it, and most of all enjoy it....and Paul yeah, who cares if you don't run a marathon.