View Full Version : Work is ruining my life :-(

01-12-13, 18:01
I'm soo unhappy and being bullied all the time but can't find a new job so I'm stuck having to put up with it. I just wish I wasn't here nomore I hate my life I just want it to end :-( xx

01-12-13, 18:22
You have to leave there H (when you get another job of course) or you will never recover so start looking really hard for a new one xx

01-12-13, 18:33
Why are you getting bullied? I hate bullies!!!! Tell them all to feck off!!!!!

01-12-13, 18:40
2 years in march I've been bullied but management won't listen. One girl nearly rammed a rack into me today than said sorry didn't see u while laughing. I work in an instore bakery. I'm thinking about taking next week off sick xx

01-12-13, 20:08
If management wont do anything then take it to head office.

01-12-13, 20:50
This has been going on too long now Hayley, you really must take it further. Did you call ACAS before when I mentioned it for advise?

01-12-13, 20:53
Yeah rang them thay said put it in writing which I did. I will ring them again tomorrow. Still can't believe that little bitch nearly knocked that rack into me. Makes me soo angry xx

01-12-13, 20:56
Make sure you ring them tomorrow and tell them that you put it in writing. Did you get a reply to your letter?

01-12-13, 21:00
We had a meeting and thay said he doesn't ignore me his just quiet and shy and some new people started who he turnt against me x

oh no_1
01-12-13, 21:29
awww sorry to hear that i had to leave my previous job because of same thing was so hard.

05-12-13, 10:53
I booked some holiday off now I'm told I'm not allowed Sunday off which is the oneday I wanted off to get away from the bully's so i said to my manager if I'm bullied again Sunday I'm walking out xx

05-12-13, 12:49
dont walk out hayley because then the bullies win. you can show them you are stronger than they are. although its hard to believe you can beat them and beat this. what you need to do, while still working there (or anywhere for that matter) is read up on how to become more assertive. mean time bluff your way through with them. go in there head held high. Appear confident. It is how I have helped myself overcome bullying in the work place. That alongside alot of hard work and reading up loads on how to boost my self-confidence. If you dont change anything, the situation will not change. I dont mean walking out i mean find way of making yourself stronger. Remember these are weak and unhappy people. No bully is a happer person, you remember that. They suck. You dont. Simple.

05-12-13, 20:09
Work are saying I wasn't physically attacked x