View Full Version : im ill and very scared help

01-12-13, 18:30
50 years old have ocd health anx depression panic ibs and gastritis started lowering citalopram 2 weeks ago with help of gp coming off v slowly 2.5 mg per week so now on 35 mg have been doing ok gastritis hasnt been too good lately on lansoprazole tablets so upped 15mg to 30mg as it states on box anyway today just took 15mg today ,went to visit friend had an all milk coffee came home massive bloating (also diag fibromyalgia 2008 ) acidity awful burping and horrid reflux and pain behind my ribs felt like they were pushed out of my body ouch had a large bm SORRY and still bloated the pain in my upper abdo so bad had to take another 15mg lansoprazole im scared of stomach cancer no weight loss or blood thank God but pain and burning had endo last year showed gastritis and duodenitis help im scared:scared15:

01-12-13, 18:55
hi, Just wanted you to know that youre not alone with this. Ive been having tummy troubles for 4 months now and I HAVE lost weight.

What I would say is that if you have been diagnosed with gastritis etc then I would think that is what is causing these problems, symptoms dont always stay the same.

See what you feel like in the morning and if youre still worried then phone your gp just for peace of mind although Im sure its nothing to worry about.


01-12-13, 18:56
Have you concidered possible lactose intolerance? try cutting all dairy from your diet and see if you feel better. i had similar to what you describe and all the associated panic ( stomach cancer! arghhh! bowel cancer!! help! ). i also had awful stomach pains in both sides and couldn't eat more than a few bites before feeling bloated and sick. i got so anxious i demanded my bowel looked at and ended up at hospital with all kinds of weird things stuck in me ( that wasn't fun! lol ).At least i then knew i didn't have bowel cancer. I then got my stool tested and found i had h pylori infection and started a regime of antibiotics which was hell ( increased anxiety, stomach felt even worse). after finishing i still felt ill but after a few weeks i slowly began to feel normal again untill one day i thought ' wow.. i haven't thought about my stomach for a few days!'. You should change your diet and see if that helps.. cut out dairy for a week and nothing spicy.

01-12-13, 19:00
thanks hadenough pain in tummy was soooo bad earlier was gonna go to ae but acid blocker helped a bit maybe anxiety worsened it but its still sore as hell think ill go to doc anyway in morning

---------- Post added at 19:00 ---------- Previous post was at 18:58 ----------

thanks razzle didnt think of that now just feel really sickly

01-12-13, 19:06
It could be anxiety making you feel worse or something in your diet your body doesn't like anymore. Definately see your GP and ask if you can be tested for lactose intolerance and maybe have a stool sample tested for bacteria. it could be something so easily fixed with the correct diagnosis. good luck! :)

01-12-13, 19:07
just been as sick as anything uuggh maybe it might settle i hope so

01-12-13, 19:08
yes ive had really bad stomach pain and nausea, recently been put on meds for acid which seems to be helping a bit. hope you get it sorted tomorrow.


just seen your last post - maybe youve picked up a stomach bug or something, hopefully you will feel better tomorrow.

01-12-13, 23:45
oh hadenough feeling terible cant keep water down and have atrocious diarrhea feel shocking i hope it is a bug and not anything sinister it scares me so much

02-12-13, 00:03
Tracie you sound as though you've contracted a virus or some miserable amoebas of some sort. Being sick, feeling sick, diarrhoea, feeling generally unwell etc. Go rest, drink fluids, lay off the solids 24 hours and give your digestive system time to get over whatever's gotten into the system.

And trust your doctors. Whilst they do make mistakes (they've made them with me several times) they generally get 'it' right. Hope you're feeling better :hugs:

02-12-13, 02:35
s thanks Andria just gone to dark green bile ugh think this could be gall bladder related maybe or some horrible virus need to see doc tomorrow:huh:

02-12-13, 10:50
been tosee doc today she said nasty virus uugh its nasty alright hopefully its workin its way out tummy a teeny bit better and back end well will see thanks for your kindness i panic really bad over being sick so got myself in a right state:unsure:

02-12-13, 11:48
Glad youre feeling a little better and at least you know what it is. Not feeling to good myself so maybe have the same thing, havent eaten today yet. Hope you continue to improve.

02-12-13, 16:29
thanks hadenough things have calmed down a bit thank heavens but ive still got burning upper abdomen from acid taken acid blocker to see if it settles my health anxiety is through the roof had to miss appt with pyschologist today cos ofbad tummy:doh:

03-12-13, 15:58
just getting so stressed out feel tummy a bit jittery ive nibbled bits for a day and a half and felt ok just this afternoon feel a bit nauseous again im scared its not just a bug now the more anxious i get the worse i feel what if something sinister is there cant reason with myself or even what if its back if ive caught it again please advise

03-12-13, 16:08
just getting so stressed out feel tummy a bit jittery ive nibbled bits for a day and a half and felt ok just this afternoon feel a bit nauseous again im scared its not just a bug now the more anxious i get the worse i feel what if something sinister is there cant reason with myself or even what if its back if ive caught it again please advise

Hi Tracieann,

Sorry you're feeling so ill. You've been suffering with these symptoms for some time now. I know you've seen your doctor and have been prescribed meds for your stomach and anxiety symptoms.

Have you looked into therapy like CBT or one one one therapy? The reason I ask is that I highlighted points in your post that all point to anxiety and the way you deal with the stressers in your life. We all have things that pop up but it's the way you deal with them that makes the difference.

One of my favorite quotes is: "Life is 10% what happens to us, 90% how we handle it." Charles Swindoll

My advise is to pursue a way to handle the stress as opposed to treating the symptoms of it. There's a free CBT course available here on the site. It might be worth a read. I know some other members used it with success. Good luck and...

Positive thoughts

04-12-13, 18:24
fishmanpa thank you for your kindness and good points i have had cbt for cancer phobia and it helped so im going to have some more.both my kids have come down with this virus in the last 24 hrs and i had to take my son who is 18 with aspergers syndrome to the out of hours as he threw up blood they think is from severe retching poor kid its just terrible anxiety now im worried cos hes tired and hasnt drunk much nervous about dehydration im also trying to come off 40mg citalopram which ive been on for years so its a mix of all this maybe you seem to know the right thing to say thanks:yesyes:

04-12-13, 18:32
Sorry to hear your kids are both unwell also. I hope you can get more CBT if it helped last time (Im on a waiting list for it and have the same phobia as you). I really hope that both you and your kids start feeling better soon.

had xx

04-12-13, 19:35
hadenough thank you for your good wishes i have emetophobia too and i have to say hand on heart i was glad to throw up cos of stomach pain and nausea it was SO severe mykids are resting up now so hopefully this is running its course