View Full Version : Christmas!!!!

01-12-13, 19:11
Ok how many of you are already having those Christmas issues? All that socialising and family stuff - I find it all a bit freaky. This year we are doing the Christmas dinner etc. my partners sister is coming as well as my mum, auntie and mother/father in law - bloody hell!! Well this is all ok ish until the sister in law says she wants to stay the night - with her partner, 3 naughty kids and the dog! I have had palpitations and some health anxiety since she has announced this and some sleepless nights (I can't sleep with all that going on on the house and it's impossible to relax! So I had almost resigned myself to giving in and just accepting my Christmas ruined. But I got up this morning and picked up the phone and put my foot down and said I would love her to come for the day - but they can't stay the night - OMG I never do this but now I feel much better and hope that's the end of it.
What other issues do you all have during the festive season?
Sarah x

oh no_1
01-12-13, 21:36
it all too much for one day
all the pressures of it , expense, socialising, it all too much

02-12-13, 08:44
Oh wow Sarah, how brilliant are you! It always amazes me how family automatically think they're going to be sooo welcome just because it's Christmas. Errrr. No!

I wasn't particularly looking forward to it now that my children are up and away but they are off to their respective partners' parents for dinner while I spend the day at my partner's with his family. Then it's back to mine for Boxing Day when I shall cater for mine. I think I can cope with that.

Always very low key. I really don't care if I'm considered boring. Those who are there will be there for the right reasons.

Have fun

02-12-13, 08:50
I'm still settling in onto my course of citalopram so that's going to be my advent calendar for this year! I'm just hoping I'm going to make it to Christmas without my whole family getting fed up with me.

On a positive note we booked the Chinese restaurant for Christmas lunch(!) so no worries about washing up and the like!

02-12-13, 10:22
Well done for putting your foot down. Whilst we should be charitable and festive there does come to a point where you can just give-give-give and over exert yourself. Good stuff.

Seeing my family is no issue, we're an easy bunch to get along with (including the in-laws), it's the spending I hate. I spent the day shopping with my husband last week and managed to buy everything (apart from one extra gift for his parents) which included high street and online shopping. I hate how people dwindle around, don't think of others, get in my way and just down right irritate me. Also, my purse feels very light which leaves me naffed, especially when I have to pay for an expensive train ticket in two weeks and got a Christmas party to splash on. Not to mention my birthday is soon.....

02-12-13, 16:43
Thanks for reply's! Love this site, always makes me feel better. Christmas just blows everything out of proportion and although it should be fun and relaxing its just seems to be the opposite! I will be fine as long as I know everyone is going to clear off at the end of the day... bye bye. If people stay over it creates a never ending set of other issues - last time they stayed the back door was not only left unlocked but open and blowing in the wind the next morning and the poor dog was freezing.