View Full Version : cervical cancer worries

01-12-13, 20:55
I'm now having bad anxiety about cervical cancer. I have been having Sharp stabbing pain in my cervix for the past few weeks along with some one sidedlower back pain which my Dr says is muscular. I am due for ny next smear in august. We are thinking of trying for a third baby but I am super scared of getting pregnant if I have cervical cancer because they wouldn't be able to treat it. Do you think if I called my surgery they would move my smear forward so that I could see whether it was clear or not before thinking about trying to conceive?

01-12-13, 21:13
when was your last smear? They will bring it forward if you are having pain, just for your peace of mind. If you have regular smears you are VERY VERY unlikely to have cervical cancer, like near impossible!

01-12-13, 21:17
My last smear was two and a half years ago, so I have six months until the next one. If I get pregnant soon my next smear would be overdue by maybe up to a year. I am trying really hard not to get tests for reassurance but I don't know whether bringing my smear forward is reasonable? The pains are not often but I have had them a few times over the past weeks lasting a few seconds. I'm cross that I googled and of course found stories of people who had normal smears then developed CC. I knew I would find that sort of thing so why i went looking for it is anybody's guess!

01-12-13, 21:17
Am I right to assume you saw your doctor recently and he checked you over? Attributing the pain you're having to muscular pain? And the pains only last a few seconds?

It that's the case, like H Basket says, you're Ok. It's common sense to have a physical before trying to get pregnant and it sounds like that's what you did.

Reassurance doesn't really work as the confidence must come from within you. Do what you feel would make you the most comfortable.

Good luck and have fun trying for #3 ;)

Positive thoughts

01-12-13, 21:33
I've been having the back pain for a while but the internal stabbing pain is new so I didn't talk to the Dr about it last time I went. I talked to him about my anxiety and he was very understanding. I don't want to keep bothering him but I'm really thinking I ought to get the smear brought forward so I don't get pregnant when I might have anything wrong.

02-12-13, 15:33
I rang and booked a smear on Dec 18th. The receptionist didn't ask any questions. Of course now I am worried that I am going to get bad news just before Christmas but I guess it's better to know if there is anything going on. I now keep thinking about a documentary I saw about Jade Goody and she had sharp pains inside her lady parts and now she is dead from cervical cancer leaving two small children behind. It's been two and a half years since my last smear. I have not had many sexual partners but my first was an older guy who had slept with a lot of women so I know I would have quite likely been exposed to HPV because of that. I can't get these things out of my mind but at least now I have booked the smear I will have some answers one way or another. Thanks for the support everyone.