View Full Version : Neurological / Spinal Concerns

Wombat Overlord
01-12-13, 23:27
Hey guys,

the last few weeks I have started to develop a completely new set of issues that I am not convinced are related purely to anxiety issues.

1) Spine, upper back pain. This comes on sometimes even after a good night's sleep in good posture, and is quite painful. It is not consistent, but occurs somewhat frequently.

2) Vigorous shaking in certain muscles and head when releasing muscle pressure. For instance, when I bring my arms/shoulders down after shrugging, it causes an intense shake in my shoulders and head. It is not a smooth motion to lower them, but rather a very 'jumpy' sensation. this happens when lowering my arms sometimes too.

3) Increasing amount of body/brain jolts. I know a lot of people experience this when going through withdrawals, but I haven't taken a pill in almost 4 months and I wasn't taking them very often to begin with. These are getting worse and debilitating, as it feels like a massive and sudden electrical rush through my head and body that makes me feel incredibly dizzy.

Normally in the past I have been able to attribute my symptoms to anxiety and depression, but the back/spine pain and shakey/spastic muscles have left me completely unassured. I have no health insurance and have to rely on free clinics; but I am slowly starting to convince myself that I have developed some serious neurological disorder that may lead to complete or massively compromised loss of muscle movement or brain function.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!


01-12-13, 23:59
Alecks first off I'm sorry you live in a country that appears (from where I am) to deny you basic health care unless you have the money to pay for it.

Second - I can't give you a diagnosis as I'm not a doctor but I can say that it's more likely that you're symptoms relate to your anxiety than they do something sinister, you know?

Also if possible avail,yourself of one of those free clinics and simply ask questions. Sometimes seeing a doctor isn't so much about being diagnosed with something (or nothing) as it's about being reassured and provided with sound advice.

I hope,you're feeling a bit better right now :)

Wombat Overlord
02-12-13, 00:10
Thanks for responding! Yeah, I am fully aware that it definitely could be linked to anxiety, but it's the back and spine pain and crazy shakiness even when relaxed that gives me worry. I have to wait until next Sunday for the free clinic and I am jsut hoping that I can hang in there until then.

02-12-13, 00:17
It's sounds reflex/electrical. Not that I'm a doctor remember :D

Years ago I had some weird stuff go on with my left arm. Tingling, numbness, shakes, up and down my arm. Sometimes would affect my upper left chest area. Eventually took myself off to the doctors and was referred on.

After some rather painful/unpleasant tests I was informed I had a trapped nerve in my elbow, along with related damage. Not what I thought at all (I was dying of some undiscovered godawful disease ... ) and I will eventually have to have it operated on :/

Anyway all being well you're good for life and your anxiety has found a lovely new way to keep you in your toes :D

Wombat Overlord
02-12-13, 19:10
Thanks again; your calm demeanor is very reassuring! However I still plan on discussing this with a doc. Any more thoughts, anyone?

02-12-13, 19:24
Like Andria said,

We're not physicians nor diagnosticians so anything we assume will be just that.... and you know what they say about assuming ;) Since I've been on the boards I've read of similar symptoms with many members, all attributed to anxiety, which in all likelihood is the issue here as well. If you do a search, you'll see what I mean. Best to wait for your doctor.

Positive thoughts