View Full Version : Enlarged, fatty liver worried this is the end

02-12-13, 06:19
I had high liver count and my doctor scheduled an ultrasound, and they said it is squeezed and inflamed. I can even feel it when I touch my upper abdomen. It feels hard and tender. A few times a week I even get pain in that area, no matter what I eat.

This all has seemed to come out of nowhere the last two weeks. I am terrified that I'm going to have liver failure and die from it, or worse, suffer slow and long drawn out illness.

Anyone have experience with this and can calm down my anxieties? My doctor said to just lose weight, but I fear this is more serious than that.

02-12-13, 07:59
Fatty liver is a reversible condition, don't jump the gun and convince yourself you have more wrong. Wait and see what the ultrasound turns up, and in the meantime look to how you can improve your diet. You said your dr recommends loosing weight, what about drinking? Alcohol can cause fatty liver.
Rather that fretting which will make you feel worse, keep busy looking at sites for recipe ideas or exercise plans. DON'T look up all the medical sites and worse case scenarios! Stay positive, and good luck :)

02-12-13, 09:09
The main thing is they say the liver only starts to have pain when it gets into the later stages of the disease. That is what is freaking me out most.

02-12-13, 09:42
If it was more serious than that then your doctor would have told you so! They're not in the business of leaving patients who have a serious illness with no help or advice.

So trust your doc, lose some weight, maybe ask them a bit more about what lifestyle measures you can take to help with it.

02-12-13, 09:56
Fat gathers round your organs in exactly the same way as it does elsewhere on your body, and the solution as I understand it is the same. Eat less, and exercise more.

02-12-13, 10:12
I know this is scary for you, I had a scary health issue 2 years ago and totally freaked out, but as you know getting into a state and reading horror scenarios on the Internet will not change what is going on inside you.
Until you have your scan you need to concentrate on things you can control, like you diet. Don't let the fear control you or everyday you are going to wake up convinced its got harder/bigger/more tender etc. hang on in there and keep positive x

02-12-13, 10:52
i was told i had a fatty liver ten years ago i cut out alcohol and tried a better diet and it s not fatty now please dont get too upset its reversible

02-12-13, 11:48
As people have said, it is a reversible condition. Don't be frightened of the tests, it's just routine. Also, remember that you can lose a vast majority of your liver and it will regrow into a new, healthy liver. But you're fine, it would never to get that stage anyway :)

02-12-13, 13:07
The main thing is they say the liver only starts to have pain when it gets into the later stages of the disease. That is what is freaking me out most.

Who is "They".

Positive thoughts