View Full Version : Eyelid Twitch!!

Purple Fish
02-12-13, 08:16
Ok so it's high anxiety time for me as it always is this time of the year! It's nearly my birthday and of course christmas. I'm so tired and overwhelmed with working full time, running a house with a husband and two teenagers, who are great I must say, but I'm like ok time out now!!

My eyelid has been twitching for over a week now and driving me mad!! I Dr Googled and it's apparently tiredness (figures).

I'm also getting worked up about a flight I'm having in a small two man aircraft in a week's time (last year's birthday gift) It's been cancelled 6 times over the year due to the weather but I'm so so nervous! All this isn't helping me at all!!!!

02-12-13, 09:34
I've got this too! I spoke to my oestopath and, yes, it is tiredness. He said to put your finger on your eyelid and gently pull outwards, as if you were putting eye shadow on. It helps to stretch the muscles. It's just annoying, isn't it? X

Purple Fish
02-12-13, 10:25
Yeah I heard it was tiredness, I'll try what you said although I want to punch it sometimes!! Ha ha!!!

02-12-13, 11:50
Ow I get that all the time! Simply ignoring it works for me, it goes after a while.

Purple Fish
02-12-13, 15:21
I hope so! I'm on day 11 of it now! Can't believe I knew that to be honest! :wacko:

02-12-13, 17:38
I have this aswell, im on week 6 :( I think im just making it worse with thinking about mien now :( xx

Purple Fish
02-12-13, 19:12
It's amazing how something so small can cause so much worry!! :blush: