View Full Version : Biopsy Today - anxious about procedure and results

02-12-13, 14:22
a few weeks backs i saw a dermatologist for a few moles that concerned me. also i have a small red mark on my breast - 1/4 inch maybe with a very small bump just under the skin. derm said the moles were fine but she wants to biopsy this small lump. i have been handling this pretty well leading up to my biopsy appt today. this in itself is a miracle because i have suffered from HA for years.

i have never had a biopsy or anything similar done before and one of my fears is having a panic attack while the doc is cutting into me. one thing i have learned after my last visit to the dentist is to ask for freezing that does not contain epinephrine. the epinephrine in freezing can trigger heart palpitations which of course can lead to a panic attack. so i checked with the clinic where i am having this done and they have told me they can use a freezing without epinephrine which is awesome.

i'm wondering if anyone else has had biopsies done on something near the surface of the skin. i'm wondering how painful the freezing is and how long this procedure will take. i know that every situation is different but i really have no idea what to expect.

and then the results of the biopsy itself - i am 99% sure that the lump that i have is the result of a remnant of an insect bit that i got on my breast in august of this year. i woke up one morning with quite a big welt that had a centre to it as though i had been bitten by a spider or something during the night. over time it healed but this red dot and lump remained. i told the derm this but she said that we have to be sure it is nothing bad.

has anyone else had an insect bite that left lump for months afterward? i have done a bit of reading on this and it seems that it can happen.

anyway i was just looking for somewhere to vent as i wait to go to my appt 5 hours from now.

02-12-13, 15:01
I'm sure you'll be fine. Sounds like you know that already.

02-12-13, 15:12
Hi livethelife. I haven't had a biopsy myself but my Mum was called back for a second mammogram and went last week and had to have a biopsy and gets the results next week. My Mum said the biopsy was fine because she couldn't feel anything and all she had now is a little mark where they done it and a tiny blister where the dressing they put on irritated her skin xx