View Full Version : Hi, new member. On fluoxetine, feeling jittery

02-12-13, 16:22
Hi all, I am new here.
42 years old and been on fluoxetine 40 mg for 2 weeks now. Feeling really up and down. The moment I think I am on the mend I will have a bad day!
I was originally prescribed seroxat 18 years ago for anxiety and depression with panic. This really helped but was a bugger to come off.
Eventually came off seroxat last year and was transferred to Prozac. Managed to get down to 10mg per day in September, then whoosh, the anxiety and depression back with a vengeance.
Was put up to 20mg per day on 16th Oct, then 40mg 2 weeks ago. Not noticeably better and losing hope that I can feel normal again.
Really supportive wife, family and friends, and work.
I'd dearly love to know when I may feel better - I keep getting twinges of positivity but it soon fades. I am physically fit, don't smoke and currently off the booze. Diet is good.
Any help is really appreciated and I am so glad I have found this forum!
Bye for now.

02-12-13, 16:57
Hi Dan and :welcome: to the site there is a lot of help and support here