View Full Version : Ey Up from Yorkshire

02-12-13, 16:22
Ey Up Everyone,

I'm Yorkie22 from Sheffield. My chosen specialist subject is panic attacks 1990's to the present day...

Had my first PA mid 90's and it hit me like a ton of bricks as I'd never even heard of PA's before that. Tried lots of 'cures' (relaxation, acupuncture, reflexology, hypnotherapy, counselling) in the early days with various amounts of success. Then after reading about CBT I requested a referral from my GP and it worked wonders for me! My PA's have been pretty stable since then (or at least manageable in day to day life) until a few weeks ago when they seemed to start up again. Hence time to try and top up my CBT and get the old books out to prepare for battle again. Whilst doing some googling on PA's I came across this site which looks great and I looking forward to joining in and sharing my experiences.


02-12-13, 16:59
Hi Yorkie :welcome: to the site there is a lot of help and support here