View Full Version : My friend has deleted me from all forms of communication.

02-12-13, 16:46
My anxiety has gone into overdrive.

I had a little argument with him last night but this morning found I am deleted from all forms of communication.

Facebook, twitter and skype.

I have text him to ask why he has done this and he said: "I really don't think we should contact each other at the moment".

My anxiety has gone into over drive, I hate confrontation and problems with friends.

Any advice? I really want to keep him as a friend! :(

02-12-13, 16:49
He's obviously still sore from whatever happened between you too. If you were in the wrong then an apology maybe in order, if not then wait for him to come out of his cave. You've done what you can, just wait for him to open back up again.

02-12-13, 16:55
Renni is right, give him some space and time to cool down. I know it sucks, but pushing it won't get the results you want right now, so let him work it out and maybe bring it up again after a little while if he hasn't contacted you.

02-12-13, 17:21
I suppose you are right.

I wasn't in the wrong that I know of. It was more of a misunderstanding of sorts to be honest. So I don't know why he's gone to such extremes.

02-12-13, 17:29
Another case where social media adds to problems, I remember when I was young and if you fell out with a friend you phoned them up or called round to see them to sort things out. These days people seem to hide behind their computer or smartphone.

Give him some time, and if he's not willing to sort it out then he can't be much of a friend.

03-12-13, 07:45
Similar things have happened to me a couple of times in the past where people who you had thought were really good friends just cut you off over differences of opinion or even without any real explanation.

I really hope that you manage to resolve things with your friend, but sadly these things do happen in life & as upsetting as they are, try not to blame yourself.

I don't have Facebook or Twitter accounts myself, they seem so impersonal & having been targetted by credit card identity theft in the past, the security risks bother me. I've always found that it's much easier to avoid possible misunderstandings by telephone, email or even better face to face, but maybe I'm just showing my age! :winks: