View Full Version : plz help asap.

02-12-13, 19:20
hi everyone, im really scared now I have had these symptoms for a while.
off balance
blurred vision
feeling or being sick
weakness in arms legs and hands
numbness through out body
I had ct scan done in may 2012 doc said I had swelling on brain or vessel looked abnormal. so had mri done it came back as normal its been 18 months since it and I getting all these symptos worse now than ever before. my doc don't believe me anymore and I asked to see neurologist but my own gp wants me to go see her first I thnk she goin to cancel my app with neuro doc. im so scared I have a tumoror bleed in brain it really felt like I was havin a stroke an hour ago. my left side went all funny my eyes went funny and I felt sick and dizzy I even had trouble speaking.
I have three kids and scared im going to die and leave them.

02-12-13, 20:16
Hi lisad1977. I am so sorry that you feel so scared right now. You really do have lots of symptoms of anxiety and you are making yourself feel worse worrying about what the doctor is going to do or say. MRI scans are very very reliable and if that was clear you should try and have belief that all is well. We can get caught up in a cycle of visiting doctors and a&e etc just for reasurrance. Anxiety can make you truly believe you have a physical illness when in reality anxiety just produce physical sensations everything you have listed are just sensations. Maybe when you visit your doctor ask him/her if they think it could be anxiety related. Good luck x

02-12-13, 22:25
Lisa, your symptoms read like a textbook of anxiety. I had each and everyone of the same symptoms. I googled until I was certain that I had most sinister diseases known to mankind.

The more I googled and the more I worried, the more symptoms I got. Escalation, purely due to my own thoughts. I had to learn to accept them and believe that it truly was all anxiety before they went away.

Are you doing anything to help yourself with your anxiety?

02-12-13, 23:17
I just wanna say that I can relate to your symptoms. These symptoms have come on strongly in the last few weeks and are now almost constant, with at times getting worse.
I've been scaring myself stupid thinking there's something wrong with me. Went to the doctors today to have BP checked to make sure it was unrelated and get a blood test to put mind at ease- they said to me all of this is anxiety related.
I realised today, that I think its got to be. All of these feelings - weakness, literally feel like I'm about to pass out, can't walk, have to sit down, vision going, numbeness, nausea, shaking, are probably anxiety related. I left the house for the first time in a week to walk to the doctors and these symptoms all got so much worse, it then ended in me having a full blown panic attack - heart beating fast etc, which is rare for me! The fact they are worse in social situations such as outside my house suggests they are anxiety to me. Other people on this site have also reassured me they are.
At the moment I am constantly feeling like this, just at different levels, but I think its all down to getting myself in a rut over thinking whats wrong with me and anticipating it etc.
Feel free to message me if you like, would help me.