View Full Version : STUCK IN A PANIC

10-11-06, 00:47
I was wondering if any body else worries about getting stuck in apanic and not being able to break free.As i am writing this i feel a right idiot as it sounds ridiculous,but this was one of my thoughts and it really got to me.I know that this would in reality then provoke another attack one after the other i feel that im deliberately winding myself up,but i just do it.To be honest however bad a day has been there is always one point where i manage a bit of calmness.If anybody thinks stuipid person at least i may of made you laugh:D

10-11-06, 03:41
Hi Deb,
Just keep telling yourself that panic attacks only last 20mins max and can be as short as a few seconds.
Maybe that will help

Don't believe everything you think.

10-11-06, 06:15
You need someone you trust to reassure you, a partner, family member or friend. Or this or a similar site, where people understand and can reply fairly quickly. Another great help, is texting on mobile phones. I've had afew friends over the years for support, through the National Phobic Society, and we swopped text/ mobile phone numbers. As soon as either of us panicked or had a tricky situation we started texting. It stops you feeling alone. Love Paul.

Love to all members

10-11-06, 08:39
Hi Debra,

I am right there with you. I worry and panic about everything - my husband says my heart wouldn't be able to beat unless I had something to worry about!.

I find that when I find something to worry about I hold on to it so tightly that I start to escalate the problem. I then get cross with myslef because I know deep down that my thought process is irational.

I talk to my husband who is a wonderful support (though does get a little frustrated with me at times) but still I cannot shake off the worry. The only thing that will shake of the worry is the FINAL OUTCOME i.e. I meet my fear and 99% of the time all the worrying I have done (which can sometimes have lasted for days) has been unjust.

I think what I am trying to say to you here is you are definately NOT alone and I truly understand how you feel.

Caroline XXX

10-11-06, 14:17
Your not alone debra,feel the same.Im always worrying about everything and anything.

Ellen XX

10-11-06, 17:07
Hi Debra

I don't think its stupid at all. Back in August I had my worst PA. I was due to travel after an anxious week, and travel is not easy. For some reason everything got on top of me and I spent what felt like most of the night panicking. Obviously I must have dozed off now and again, but I was exhausted in the morning and almost glad to get up. But spent the day waiting for it to happen again. I was so worried about not being able to stop it I think I brought panic on that way too.

I've been ok since, but was totally exhausted and scared of what would happen if I had PA that would not go away. Fear of fear.

I have tried to have a positive outlook. I've seen my GP and upped meds. I'm booked in for counselling and am training myself not to dwell on it. Telling myself its not panic and I'll be fine. And it kind of works. :-) Mostly I convince my body quite well, instead of waiting for it to get worse I imagine its getting better. I also work on my breathing and make my shoulders drop. I don't usually realise they are up and tense, but feel better straight away when I drop them. Even if I have to do it a few times it works in the end, which is why I know its worth sticking with.

So, yes, I do completely understand what you mean. I think its what the panic is all about. Worrying about what might happen. Sorry this reply is so long, but I hope it helps you.


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

10-11-06, 18:39
Thankyou all so much for your replies, this has helped to know you all understand so i dont feel so alone,i was finding this hard to explain and obviously the more you go over it the worse it is.Im going to the doctor tuesday as iv been doing the best ican over the last few weeks so that should help.ONCE AGAIN THANKYOU