View Full Version : Annual physical coming up!!

02-12-13, 21:05
I am due for my annual physical. I last had one 2 years ago. At that time, I got a physical because I had noticed my blood pressure was 160/100 or so, when just a few weeks before it was 125/80.

That physical went well. I had a BP monitor put on for 24hrs, and did a stress echogram. All was ok, although I was told I needed more exercise.

Fast forward 2 years, I have seen the Dr for various things but have not had a full checkup. Why? Fear. Mostly fear of having my blood pressure taken. Since my scare 2 years ago I have not taken it... and I don't want to. I am afraid the nurse will take it, and be shocked it is high and order tests. I am afraid I will spend Xmas worrying.

And I am also scared they will find something on my blood test. The positive on this is that I just had a CBC blood test 2 weeks ago, as the medication I am on (for Crohns) requires this every 3 months. So I know it is unlikely they will find anything, since it would have shown up on that test. But I am still nervous.

I am mostly nervous for the BP thing though. The sudden high blood pressure is really what started the latest round of health anxiety for me.

But logically I know a checkup is important, so I am going along with it!

I have some other big events coming up:
- we noticed a little bump under my sons skin, about 4 inches over his belly botton. We noticed this last September. The dr thought it felt like a lipoma, but scheduled an ultrasound to be sure. The wait time for the ultrasound was 3 months, and the waiting is almost over. We have that done in 2 weeks.
- And I see a dermotologist next week. I go annually since I have a lot of moles.

As you can see, there are a lot of events coming up to 'test' my anxiety. Anyone else scared of checkup's?