View Full Version : als worries

02-12-13, 22:50
his started in Mid August, i had just seperated from my wife. after weeks of stressful fights i had an exact moment where i felt so angry/depressed/stressed that i started to twitch all over my body. i instantly started to search neuro diseases, i spent the weekend worrying about that. then i started to experience night sweats, twitched like crazy at night, couldn't sleep. since then i have experienced buzzing sensation in my feet, urine retention hot/cold sensation all througout my body. i went for an mri and thought i had calmed down once it was clear. however then i started to experience excess saliva. i tried to do yoga and the same night had difficulty swallowing and i feel a lump in my throat. i have already feared worrying about ms/parkinson.
i don't know how everything has just collapsed. i keep trying to tell myself that the stress caused my body these sensations however once i start believing that another symptom returns. i also learned that a brain mri doesn't necessarily clear als. I don't know if i should ask the dr for a emg test. im stuck. i started to meditate lately and i thought that was helping but i keep getting more symptoms , and i feel like my throat is tighter and that i can't yell.
again after a few days i think that this was cause by a stressor then it starts again such as bad dreams. anybody please help

02-12-13, 22:56

Sorry you're going through such a dreadful time in your life. I posted this to another member concerning ALS fears.

1-3 out of 100K get ALS. That's .001% - .003% of the entire general population... You have a better chance of getting hit by lighting or getting in a car accident.

I would be more careful about going out in a thunderstorm or driving than worrying about ALS ;)

Positive thoughts

03-12-13, 04:08
I'm no doctor, but that sounds just like the STRESS monster to me! I've experienced all those things and more, several times in fact! My mom had panic disorder much of her life and said she went to the hospital one time believing she was choking from a tumor in her windpipe. Of course, there was nothing there.

Changing body temperature, buzzing sensations, urine retention... those are totally stress-induced symptoms. There was a time when I was afraid I had MS because I felt a tight band of pressure around my torso at times (the "MS hug") so I totally know what you're going through.

I assure you, that all sounds like a completely normal reaction to stress, including the bad dreams and sleeplessness! Blessings to you! :)

04-12-13, 22:54
Fishmampa is right he helped me . .I will respond to this message tomorrow as I need sleep. !!