View Full Version : Anxiety , nerves & symptoms

02-12-13, 23:52
I have a lot of physical symptoms & a lot of them are due to anxiety. The thing is the anxiety triggers symptoms & then the symptoms trigger mire anxiety. & it just goes around. & around. My nerves are horrible & I know that's also related to the anxiety. I feel terribly nervous. & jumpy & tense & it all seems connected to the anxiety. & I'm having trouble getting a handle on this. I need to relax & I try reminding myself most things aren't worth the anxiety. It helps but not entirely. I do take Xanax which helps but I need other ways to calm down. I don't like the tension & what this does to me. Any advice ? Could really use it. Thank You!

03-12-13, 03:59
It all depends on what you really enjoy doing. For me, it's relaxing bubble baths, interesting documentaries, calm music, and books that absorb my attention. You should always take time during your day to do something that you truly enjoy. How long have you been dealing with anxiety?

03-12-13, 22:05
Since my 20s but got very bad in my 30s & I'm now 57

04-12-13, 09:07
Have you ever tried CBT Violet? It's one of the top ways to treat anxiety.

04-12-13, 19:01
I have a very similar tale to yours and have had anxiety issues since my 20s and I am older than you are now. I do have genuine medical issues, IBS, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, all of which cause varying degrees of pain. When my anxiety about my body's state kicks in, I start to think that the pains are everything sinister and life threatening. However, I have managed to get through the bad patches with the help of this site and with telling myself that I have had the exact same feelings and dread before and I have come through it time after time and this time is no different. I also use CDs for relaxing and visualisation..and have meds too. hope you get through this and find better days soon. X